- A Day In The Life of The Captain -

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-The beginning of the chapter brought to you by Chibi Kiana doin' a lil' dance-


Y/n: "*Yaaaaawwwwwwnnn* ... *smacks lips*... Time to wake up..."

Y/n's eyes blink and adjust to the light shining through the blinds.  He sits up in bed and looks at the ground tiredly.  He wears some basic pajamas, that were just pajama versions of his uniform.  There were no buttons or hard fabric, just plastered images on a soft material.  Y/n loved these pajamas.  They were so comfy.

Y/n: 'I just wish I could go back to sleep again... But!  I gotta get up...'

With a groan, the captain gets up and stretches.  His socked feet planting themselves on the ground.  He grabs his phone, unplugging it from it's charger off the nightstand and holds it in his hand so he doesn't forget it.  He also grabs an empty bowl of ice cream from the other night and takes it to his mini kitchen to wash.  After washing it, the red-haired man opens his closet and grabs one of the many copies of his uniform and takes it out.  After a quick changing session, he sets his neatly folded pajama shirt and pants onto the bed, which he also neatened and straightened.  He grabs his phone from his bed, where he set it when he was changing, and checks the time.  Seven o' clock in the morning, on the dot.  He gently slips his phone into his pocket, and walks out his door after inputting the door key: his birth date.

As he walks down the halls he passes by a few Valkyries, greeting him in various ways as he nods in acknowledgment or waving a little as he walks by.  He steps into the elevator and presses the button for the bridge.  After a minute exactly, the doors open and he steps out onto the bridge.

A.I.-chan: "Captain on the bridge!"

Fu Hua turns around and faces the Captain as he steps out of the elevator and up to his post.

Fu Hua: "Good Morning, Captain."

Y/n: "Mornin' Fu Hua.  Let's get this stuff done, shall we?"

Fu Hua: "Of course."

A.I.-chan: "There's been a few outbreaks of low-level Honkai beasts on the outskirts of Ark City, shall we dispatch a team?"

Y/n: "Yep!"

Y/n swipes around on the holographic interface he's used countless times, revealing a list of Valkyries with their profiles.  He taps a few of the Valkyries faces, forming a small team of three and pressing the "Dispatch" button, sending a notification to the Valkyries he's selected.

Y/n: "Go ahead and send those three, they generally work well together, and they should be enough to handle the threat.  Keep team Delta on standby just in case though."

A.I.-chan: "Of course, Captain!  By the way, you have a meeting with St. Freya's principal in an hour about the recruiting of a few of the recent Valkyrie graduates."

Y/n checks the time on one of his monitor's.  7:15.

Y/n: "Hmm... Travel time to St. Freya from our location is about thirty minutes by transport ship, and I've gotta be ten minutes early, soooo...  I've got about about-... five minutes.  The walk is about two minutes from the bridge to the hangar... so three minutes."

Y/n groans with a disappointed sigh.  He checks around on his monitor to see if there's any idle tasks to do before turning and facing Fu Hua who looks back at him with an attentive look.

Y/n: "You got any three-minute games we can play?"

Fu Hua begins to think to herself as she stares up into a corner.  Y/n gains a small blush as he looks at her cute thinking pose.

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