Chapter Two

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The cafe is empty when Jisung enters. A few cats are roaming about, but that's about it. Minho is standing by the cash register, finishing up the remaining tasks before he's done for the day. The sun is setting, leaving the cat cafe to be rather dark, only a few lights turned on inside.

Minho looks up when he hears the door open, giving Jisung a small smile. "You can sit over there." He jerks his head towards the table where Jisung always sits when he's waiting for his order. "I'll be over in a moment."

Jisung nods, walking over to the table. There's already a few books splattered about. It's a large table, and the couch behind it is in the shape of a halfmoon, going around it, all connected. Jisung jumps in towards the middle, placing his black duffle bag on the left end.

Dori comes running towards him, trotting under the table before leaping up beside Jisung to his right. The brown tabby receives a few pets before Jisung decides to get the things he's brought with him to study.

He manages to set up his Macbook and notebooks before Minho emerges from behind the counter.

"Missed me?" Minho inquires, getting seated beside Dori, leaving around 10 inches between the pair.

Only then does Jisung notice the round glasses resting on Minho's nose. Holy fuck. Most people look like nerds with glasses on (including Jisung), but Minho looks like the hot, young teacher that everyone had a crush on in high school.

They're semi-rimless, meaning that there's only a black frame on the upper half of the glasses, leaving the bottom thin. Jisung really thought there wasn't anything that could make Minho look any more attractive, but he was wrong. So, so wrong. And the pooling warmth in his abdomen agrees.

Without being able to think, Jisung retorts, "Of course, baby." And winks at the elder, making his breath hitch. The nickname came automatically, honestly. But it clearly seemed to be taking a toll on Jisung's tutor.

The elder scrambles through the books that laid on the table before Jisung had arrived, trying to ignore the nickname. He gets a notebook and turns to a fresh page. "Are we working with physical books or digital material?" Minho asks, glancing at Jisung.

"Digital," Jisung answers as he hurries to press a few buttons on his laptop, opening a webpage with a load of maths questions.

"So, what do you need help with first?"

Jisung swallows when he notices that Minho has leaned into his space. "Calculus."

Minho's eyebrows shoot up with surprise. "Really?" He asks. "I found that to be the easiest."

The retort makes Jisung guffaw. "Are you trying to make me feel dumb?"

"No." Minho smiles sweetly at him. "But it wouldn't be much of a challenge if I really wanted to, now would it?"

Jisung allows his eyes to rest at Minho's plump lips as he speaks. He knows that the elder sees him gawking at his mouth. "We'll see," the raven-haired replies with a grin.

As predicted, Minho's ears redden and he quickly changes the subject. "Do you want me to give you a little introduction to calculus and go through it? Or do we jump straight to the questions?"

"I don't remember too much from class, so maybe a little introduction?"

Minho hums. "Let's start with the basics then. Do you remember how to find the derivative of a function?"

The younger shakes his head. "Um, not really. I remember something about limits and slopes, but I'm not sure how to apply it."

"That's alright. The derivative measures the rate of change of a function at any given point. It's like finding the slope of the tangent line at that point." Minho looks at Jisung, waiting for a nod or a question to know if he doesn't understand or needs to repeat.

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