Chapter 5

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The teleporter door opened, and Jordan stepped foot into what was presumably a hotel lobby at one point. Most of the cities Joey had on lock down converted the downtown area in a fortress, barricading itself from the workers. It was tiered living in full display. She looked around and saw the uniformed officers flying around. Swapping papers, blabbering amongst themselves. There black outfits were liened in a dark purple. Much like the army, most had ranks on their chest and shoulder. Seldom anyone with more than two stores was floating around areas like this.

Jordan has special privileges. Any facility or center Joey had obtained, she had free reign too. There was no room off limits. Every recruit who went through basic training saw her face plastered beside Joey's, but not wearing the outfit she was always gawked at. She had never been to this particular base, in fact at the rate Joey and The Force were expadning, she couldnt count the facilities she had not been to. Xavier, being a prominent figure in the Alphabet, continued to lead the force. Though, not directly reporting to Joey, the guise was made that Xavier would respect his commands to preserve peace. The people of North America still trusted Xavier, they still believed in him. Operating uder Joey was a bad look, but it was one anyone would have taken, thats how Xavier continued to command the operation- looking as if he was just the face of it. Really, he was far deeper involved than anyone would have guessed.

HEr feet clicked along the hallway. Gotta figure out how to hitch a ride, or do I just run. Jordan mozied over to the front desk. Half a dozen folks were flying around. The area, their voices drawing out amongst each other.

"Excuse me." Jordan asked.

They continue to move, their fingers flicked buttons and clicks seemed louder. Not a s ingle once glanced up at her.

"Excuse me!" She stated more firmly, slapping her hand on the table.

They stopped briefly before glancing at her. One of the younger looking me proceeded to the counter. He seemed honest enough. His eyes were kind, his body language open. He smiled and nodded.

"My apologies." he said, "How may we assist you today?"

"I need a ride to-" Jordan uncrumpled her note briefly, "Ellijay. How do you get around these parts?"

"One moment." The boy pressed the button in his ear, "She's here sir. Yes. Yes."

He peered over the counter at her feet.

"No." he answered looking in her eyes, "Will do. Please, the elevator to your right, press Floor 26. Exit right, second door on your left."

"So no ride?" Jordan asked.

"The boss would like to meet you first." he stated before looking down and straightening papers, "I hope you have a fantastic day."

With a nod the man was gone, continuing his duties as assigned. Jordan could never figure out how so much paper was needed. SHe had tried previously to observe what was happening. It all appeared like nonsense to her. All she could ever see was names. Most of the time there was files, labelled with some sort of corresponding code. She had no idea where this information was sent, none of it. There was no record area in the castle, not that she could recall anyways. The only time she ever got to see, or hear about the outside operation, was when she was sent on mission. And each mission seemed to be the exact same.

Jordan did as instructed. She filled the polished halfway to the elevator. She could hear it rush down, bing, and the doors opened. Uniformed officers piled out the sardines, quick and painless, fleeing before the doors were even fully opened. She stepped inside and binged the 26 button. A third of the way up? Not the top floor?

Book 2: ReturnDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora