Chapter 8 - making the decision

Start from the beginning

Emma pauses and before she can continue Killian jumps in a comment "Emma what have you done and why can't you tell me I thought we said no secrets '.

Emma looks up to see that Kilian's eyes are starting to tear up and she continues "Killian the night that I and the girls went out for drinks, something happened that night that no one knows about and to be honest, I never thought in a million-year hell I would ever see it coming. But that night everyone got a bit drunk and we all decided that it would be best that no one drove home so Bella called a taxi, Mum and Zelena went back to hers and me and Regina went back to hers and well ...".

Emma is cut off when Killian lets go of her hands and steps back and Says "No, no please don't tell me you and Regina" " She looks at the floor and nods her head 'yes' Killian continues with anger, shock and sadness in his voice "oh my god I think I'm going to be sick, how could you do this I thought we had a future. I thought we were happy together".

Emma walks towards Killian who steps back Emma starts to cry "I'm sorry Killian this wasn't meant to happen I didn't even want to go it was all my mum's idea she made me go, and Zelena just kept giving us drinks and then everything after that was a blur"

Killian, even angry than before, shouts "NO EMMY! NO THIS IS YOUR DOING THEY DID NOT FORCE YOU TO DRINK THEY DID NOT FORCE YOU TO SLEEP WITH REGINA THAT WAS ALL ON YOU!". Killian turns around and punches the cabinet behind him when he hears an upset Emma respond "I know Killian I know I shouldn't blame them this is all my fault and I hate myself for it but I can't fix what happened, I can't turn back time and change things if I could I would but the one thing I can also change is my fee...".

Emma is again cut off but Killian "My what Emma what your feelings for her, SAY IT EMMA SAY IT SAY YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER".

Emma, standing in fear, screams "I LOVE HER, I LOVE HER OK AND TO BE HONEST I'M NOT EVEN SORRY". Emma stops and looks towards the doorway. Killian follows to see what she is looking at to find Regina standing there. He looks at her with an evil look on his face and says "ARE YOU HAPPY, YOUR LOVE LIFE IS NOW BROKEN SO YOU HAD TO GO AND WRECK SOMEONE ELSE JUST TO BE HAPPY AGAIN. WELL YOU SECEDED".

Regina, scared of what to say in response, finally replies "Killian I never wanted this to happen, heck I didn't even know it was going to happen but I never wanted to hurt you."

Killian goes to run at Regina but stops just inches in front of her turns around and says not as angry but upset and says "Do you know what f*ck it. I'm not going to stand her any more". He stops himself, takes a deep breath and continues "Emma we are through I hope you're both happy together".

With that said Killian storms out of the station leaving Emma and Regina in shock. Emma falls to the floor with her head in her hands and starts to cry. Regina races over to her and pulls her into a tight hug and Emma says between cries "What have I done I just hurt the one person I promised I would never hurt and I just watch him walk out of here and watch his heart break".

Regina tightened her grip and then responded "Emma don't say anything just calm down then we can talk".

Later even Emma is lying on the sofa asleep in the living room at Regina's as Killian told her to give him the keys. As Emma lies sobbing on the sofa Regina is on the phone with Snow.

R = Regina

S = Snow

S: I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have dragged Emma out, she told me she didn't want to. I should have known from that moment that I should have just cancelled it.

R: Snow none of us knew this was going to happen but we were all drunk maybe more then others but that is a conversation for another day. All we need to worry about now is what we are going to do.

S: we, WE don't need to do anything this is up to you and Emma to sort out.

R: I know but this has affected Emma and I'm worried about her.

S: I'm worried about her too but all we need to do now is be there for her and help her.

R: I think I need to have a chat about this, so can you keep Henry there for the week and make sure he knows nothing of what's going on? I think it is best that me and Emma need to tell him

S: Yes definitely, I am happy to keep Henry here. Just text or call me when you are ready for him to come back and I will bring him right over".

With that being said the call ends and Regina turns around to go and see how Emma is in the living room but she is greeted by her standing in the doorway of her home office with her arms crossed and says "Oh hey Emma I was just about to come and see how you were. Did I wake you".

Emma unfolds her arms and responds sounding upset and tired "No you didn't wake me I just woke up as I need a drink, also why were you talking to my mum and why did you say that Henry can stay there for the rest of the week".

Regina walks over to Emma and goes to grab her hands but Emma pulls them away so that she can't grab them and Regina responds with a concerned tone "Emma I asked your mum if he could stay there as I think we need to talk".

Emma nods 'yes' but responds "No not today, maybe tomorrow, I don't think I can talk about it right now". Regina nods in response and they both head into the living room and have a quiet rest of the night.

The next morning Emma wakes up in Henry's bed confused about how she got there as she last remembers falling asleep downstairs she gets out of bed and walks downstairs where she finds Regina standing in the kitchen making pancakes.

She stands in her doorway watching her when she is knocked from her thoughts by a soft voice "Emma if you want to look at my bum, I suggest you come over here and hold it instead, that will be much better than just looking".

Emma smiles walks over to Regina wraps her arms around her waist and whispers in her ear "No I would prefer to do something much more than just hold them". Removing one arm from around Regina's waist and placing it on her bum she gives it a slight squeeze. Regina lets out a small grown tilts her head back onto Emma's shoulder and whispers "Sorry to wreck this amazing moment but I just want to say I can tell you made your decision".

Emma nods whilst placing a kiss just below Regina's ear and responds "Yes I made the correct decision and I went for the most hottest and gorgeous one".

Regina blushes then turns around grabs Emma's hand and leads her upstairs whilst in motion she says "To hell with the pancakes".

Emma laughs and pulls Regina's hand up to her mouth and gives it a soft kiss whilst she is being guided upstairs.

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