Chapter 5 - feelings

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Regina's point of view ~

E: Hey Regina is everything ok if you're wondering why I'm not in the station it's because I'm In the forest on patrol.

R: Hey Emma no I'm not calling to ask where you are in calling...

Regina pauses and continues

R: I was calling to ask if you would pop by my home office, as I need to talk to you about something.

E: OK I will call my dad to see if he can take over then I will be on my way.

R: Ok see you soon.

Regina ends the call places her head on the desk and sighs.

30 minutes have passed and just as Regina thinks Emma isn't turning up she hears a knock on the door.

She stands up from her desk and walks over to the door to see Emma standing on the step, she moves out of the way and Emma walks in.

"OK Regina is everything ok because you have never asked me to come over whilst I'm at work".

Regina sighs and turns around.

"Emma I'm sorry but I can't get these thoughts out of my head They are driving me crazy. I know we talked about what happened the other night but I can't".

Emma spins Regina back around so that Regina is facing her again and as she spins around Emma notices a small tear falling down Regina's cheek. Then replies "Wait Regina so the reason why you haven't been talking to me since that day is because you can't stop thinking of that day".

Regina shakes her head yes. Then replies through her tears and says "Emma I know this is wrong but I think I'm starting to feel something I haven't felt in a long time but I don't understand what these feelings are and they are scaring me".

Emma stands in shock and pulls Regina into a tight hug. Emma pulls Regina out of the hug wipes away her tears and replies "Oh Regina why didn't you just talk to me, you know I am here for you and you can talk to me about anything.."

Emma is cut off when suddenly she is met with a pair of warm lips planted on hers. Emma pushes Regina back and in shock says "Oh my god Regina what was that you do know Henry is upstairs and if he sees what just happened".

Regina stands back further away from Emma then runs off into her office and closes and locks the door behind her, after she locks the door she places her back up against it and slides down places her head on her knees and cries. Emma runs up to the door and says with a worried tone in her voice "Regina I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted this is a confusing situation but we need to talk this through so please open the door and let's talk about this".

After 5 minutes Emma hears the lock to the door slide and the door open revealing an upset and confused Regina. Emma pulls her into another hug then grabs her by the hand and walks her into the office closing the door behind her.

Regina turns to Emma still crying and says "I'm so sorry Emma I should have done that. I am just confused and these feelings I am having are just messing with my head. I just wish I knew what they meant".

Emma walks over to Regina's desk and pushes all the paperwork off of Regina's desk, which leaves Regina even more confused and surprised about what happens next. Emma then walks over to Regina picks her up places her on top of her desk kisses her on the lips then pulls away and says "I know what those feelings are because I feel them too which is leaving me in a hard situation but I'm with Killian and I don't want to break his heart but I need to go with my gut with I don't even know what that wants. I just wish there was a sign of what we should do".

Regina places a kiss on Emma's lips and replies "We should wait and see what happens if this happens again then that is the sign but I don't want to push you into a decision that will affect your relationship with Killian". Emma nods at Regina who has stopped crying.

Emma kisses Regina back and says "This is for the best but for now we need to go back to the way things were and ably talk about work and Henry, but for now I'm going to head back to work but before I do I'm going to call my dad".

Emma kisses Regina and leaves to go back to work, leaving Regina in her office.

Regina goes and locks the door back up and walks over to the scattered paperwork that Emma threw all over the floor and places it neatly back on her desk.

Later that evening Regina and Henry are sitting in the living room watching a movie and eating popcorn. Well, Henry is watching on the other hand Regina's mind is elsewhere and she doesn't hear Henry call her name.

"Mum, mum is everything ok". Regina jumps and replies "Oh sorry Henry did you need anything".

Henry pauses the movie and turns to look at Regina and says with a worried tone and look on his face "Mum is everything ok you just don't seem your, as you haven't spoken much since Emma dropped me off and you haven't spoken much since dinner either and you don't look happy".

Regina looks down at her lap and then back at Henry and whilst trying to stop herself from crying she takes Henry's hands in hers and says "I'm sorry Henry and yes everything is ok I just have a lot of things going on at work and I don't think I'm fully over Robin".

Henry pulls Regina into a hug and says "Oh mum I'm so sorry, you know you can always talk to me and I miss Robin as he was meant to be your happy ending. But don't worry mum I will make sure you get your happy ending. You deserve one because you have changed for the good and good people get happy endings".

Regina hugs Henry and thinks to herself 'I'm so lucky to have Henry in my life. I just can't tell him the real reason right now. I can't tell him that I love Emma, not without me knowing if this is going to be a thing first'.

Regina looks at the time and says "Well Henry as much as we are loving this morning the time for bed is 10:30 and we both have to wake up early in the morning".

They both yawn and Regina places a soft kiss on Henry's forehead and says "Good night Henry and thank you for tonight I have had fun".

Henry steps up off the sofa and starts to walk towards the stairs and when he gets to the bottom he turns to Regina and stretches and replies "Night mum and you're welcome I had fun too".

Henry runs off up the stairs and into his room leaving Regina sitting downstairs. Before Regina goes upstairs she pulls her phone out of her pocket and turns it on to find 2 messages from Emma.


'Hey Regina I'm sorry about what happened today, I hope you're feeling better now'.

'Hey Regina I'm sorry I messaged you this late but I need to tell you that I don't know if I can do this. I can't hide my feelings, and I know I should have these feelings because I'm with Killian but I just can't and it's driving me crazy".

After reading both the messages Regina lays down on the sofa and whispers 'Oh Emma'.

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