Chapter 12 - PMT/TLC

Start from the beginning

"This place feels...Creepy, huh?"

Paintbrush commented to their short companion.

Fan was keeping up pace with his friend, despite them taking longer steps, thus being faster. He was a tad out of breath.

"Y-yeah...I mean, it's not that bad! Y-You'll get used to it!"

He replied.

Paintbrush could feel an unusual tension in the air, so much so they thought they could cut it with Knife.

They weren't sure where this tension was located exactly, it seemed to permeate through every door, down each hallway. They peered down at Fan, still following behind like a loyal dog.

"Are you feeling alright?"

They asked him.

Fan cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

He replied with a smile.

Paintbrush caught a hint of falsehood in that smile. Fan was on edge, they didn't know why. This was not the atmosphere they'd hoped to return to after so long.

Why is everyone acting so weird?

"How come you're"

They asked once more.

"I assure you, Paintbrush, I'm fine!"

Fan didn't know why he was lying to his friend, maybe because subconsciously he didn't want them to become victim to the despair the hotel caught everyone in, or just because he was ashamed to admit his weakness.

"You can tell me the truth."

They mentioned, crouching down to his level.

"I'm- I'm truthful! You calling me a liar?"

Fan giggled, remarking in mock anger.

Paintbrush didn't laugh. They just looked sincerely at him.

"Did something happen while I was gone?"

They asked again, as sincere as ever.

Fan looked dumbfounded. Of COURSE they had no idea. Paintbrush didn't see anything. They weren't here. But why should he tell them? Paintbrush didn't deserve to know how awful things were going, lest they become something unrecognizable. He didn't want that to happen.

"Well...I...I wouldn't say that. It's..a-"

"-Oh MY GOSH!! Is that PAINTBRUSH???"

Fan and Paintbrush immediately turned their heads to face the eccentric pepper shaker, who was waving her hand aggressively in their direction.



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