Chapter 5

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Aizawa pov

This kid would not leave me alone. It's alright though. His voice is nice. But he gripped my wrist so hard it hurt. I didn't know what to say. He is rambling so much and the bell is going to ring any minute now. "Uh- Yamada-" I start but get interrupted "call me Hizashi! Also what's up?" He says. "Well I have to get to class. What class are you in?" I ask. "Uhm-" he says fiddling to get a paper out of his pocket "1A what about you?" God this kid is going to be in my class. I'm going to have to deal with Hizashi Yamada in my hero class for 3 years. Its fine. Maybe as the years go on he will mature. " Shota?" Hizashi says, "Do you wanna sit by me. That is if there isn't a seating chart." I looked at him for a second. I tried to process what he just said. A kid who is a lot more social then me, wants me to be within 5ft of me. I looked at him not saying anything, forgetting to say yes. I kinda got lost in his eyes. They were two shades of green. Little rings. "Shota? Are you ok" He said. "Oh uh yeah. Yeah we can sit by eachother," i said extremely panicked. We walked to class in silence. Hizashi put on his headphones and i got lost in my thoughts. Im not gay. Im not. I dated one guy in middle school just to see. but he wasnt a good person, so how can i know other ones wont be good. Maybe i am just dont really know what its like. No, no, no. Ive liked women my whole life. Like that girl dad had made me date in first year of middle school, she was nice. And that one girl who told me to date her in younger grades, before middle school. I guess i didnt really have a choice in either of those. And thats the only times i had ever dated girls. I looked up and saw hizashi looking at the door. "Ready?" He asked. "Yeah, ready as ill ever be."

Sleep Deprived [Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada]Where stories live. Discover now