Chapter 2

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To be honest, I barely even slept last night because of how excited I was. UA! One of the top hero schools in Japan! And I, Hizashi Yamada, had gotten in! I was so happy that when my alarm went off, I jumped out of bed, put of the uniform, and went downstairs.

My mom was there to greet me. She was making eggs and bacon on the stove. "Well you're sure in a good mood!" She exclaimed " excited for your first day I suppose" I looked at her and nodded. "It's gonna be sick!" I said maybe just a little too loud because my mom chuckled and told me to lower my voice.

I quickly shoved the food down and went on my way. I was walking since it was only maybe a mile or two to get to UA from my house. So I started my journey towards my future. Is that a corny way to put it. Yes. Do I regret saying it. No.

AN:::::: howdy! I feel like I should introduce myself! My name is beetle, not my real name but y'know. This is my first fic. I do plan on writing some with my oc's and stuff but I figured I should do a practice run!! Ok! Enjoy the next few chapters:)

Sleep Deprived [Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada]Where stories live. Discover now