4. Bitch got owned!

Start from the beginning


She flung the tomatoey dish at me. Sauce dripped down my chest and stained my white top. I scowled. The world seemed to freeze for a second. I could have said so many things, could have thrown something at her, could have started a food fight, but then I realised something. If I did any of those things, than I'd be sinking to her level. I'd be just as bad as her. So instead, I kept my head held high and slipped back into my seat, taking a bite of my roll.

The entire school seemed to be gawping at me. I met Ethan's eyes and half-smiled when he winked at me. Then the vice principal, a large surly man burst into the room, furious.



The principal's office was a large room with a slim laptop sitting on a dark brown hardwood desk, maroon coloured velvet curtains were open revealing a perfect view of the sports field, and little candles were lighting on every surface. On the ceiling there was a scarlet red chandelier that gave the room a warm pinkish red glow. On her desk, sat a long silver plaque with her name engraved onto it: Etna Blake.

Mrs Blake didn't look too stern. She was probably in her late thirties and she wore a loose white linen top with a long floral skirt in peaches and pinks. Her blonde hair was twirled into a neat bun with a few curly tendrils falling out. She was quite petite. She tucked her slim legs underneath the desk and rested her elbows on the surface whilst scribbling things down in unreadable joint writing.

She placed her pen down and looked up at us, a pretty smile warming her face so that she appeared even younger. Her eyes lingered on Amanda and her smile soon faded. Mrs Blake pursed her lips. "Well if it isn't Miss Miller," she said, exhaustion and annoyance clear in her tone. Her eyes flashed to me for a millisecond. "Miss Evans, would you mind stepping outside for a moment? I'll call you in when we're ready." A sweetness took over her tone and a smile tugged at her lips.

I nodded and left, taking a seat right outside the door. I could hear snippets of what Mrs Blake was saying as she had raised her voice. "Appalling behaviour... Wait until your father hears about this... You disgraceful young girl... I'm so disappointed, Amanda, I thought you were improving, but this is not acceptable..."

I knotted my fingers together nervously. What was Mrs Blake talking about, her father? I hadn't realised it was so serious that our parents would be involved. I sighed, looking down at my top. The remainder of Nikki's spaghetti bolognese had dried into my clothes, leaving a deep red stain all over my chest and trailing down to my belly.

"Hey troublemaker!"

I glanced up and saw a beaming Ethan standing in front of me. Just the person I wanted to see. Not. I smiled weakly at him as he took the seat next to mine. "Hiya." I muttered.

I winced as Mrs Blake's shouts got louder and more abusive. "Amanda's really getting it tough," I said nervously.

Ethan shrugged carelessly. "She deserves it," he said simply. "But hey, I can put in a good word for you if you like. I mean, it kinda is my fault that you're in trouble..."

I creased my eyebrows in confusion. "Why the hell would she listen to you?!" I said. "No offence Ethan, but you're not exactly Grove High's top student or anything."

Ethan smiled slyly. "Ah, so you haven't figured it out yet," he said. "Don't worry she'll listen to me."

I was left confused as the office door opened and Amanda strutted out, a grimace on her face. She shot me a glare but literally looked at Ethan with pure hatred before walking past. "If looks could kill..." Ethan muttered under his breath. "...I'd be six feet under." I chuckled as he stood up and strolled into the principal's office before shutting the door gently with a small click.

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