01 | No show

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"Dei.. Dei.. wake up... wake up. We are going to meet a girl for marriage for you today, do you remember that? Get up soon before your father shouts and get ready" said Vasundhara in a silent voice.

Not paying heed to whatever his mom said , he turned towards his left and slept again.

"ayyo... get up.. get up... why are you being so irresponsible and lethargic on marriage topic?" aske Vasundhara

"What is your son saying? does he even have plans of coming out of his room or not?" asked Sivaraman whose eyes were fixed in the daily newspaper whereas his ears were rented out to where his elder son is sleeping.

"Are you going to get up or not? your father is shouting at me because of you. I am the one who always get caught between you and your father" said Vasundhara and bet him on his shoulder.

Annoyed by his mom's behaviour he sat up on the bed with his two hands at the back of him for support.

He looked at his mom but never uttered a single word nor show any sign of irritation towards her.

"see we want to see you get married soon. Nowadays its difficult to get a good girl, leave good girl, getting a girl for marriage is a big task nowadays. But you are being too adamant with your behaviour. What are you even thinking?"

Her son  stretched his arms high, doing a quick stretch exercise and got down from the bed. Folding his bedsheets he kept it on the right place near the pillow.

"We too are getting old. We have the dream of seeing our son getting married and lead a happy life. Try to understand da. At your age, we gave birth to your younger brother. Can't you even fulfill our simple wish?"

He moved the curtains to see the sun rays hitting entire room making it look more bright.

He went near the cupboard and searched for his towel and picked it. Moving near him Vasundhara continued,

"As parents, we need to see you married, need to play with our grandchildren, see them go to college and get married, then our great grandchildren..." went on Vasundhara who stopped her talks noticing the glaring look of her son.

"dei.. kanna... if you are not coming to meet this girl today, your father said he will not talk with me hereafter da.."

He turned around to face his mother and gave a look, as if asking ' is it?'.

Sensing his unbelievable look , she replied  "really da.. he said he will not talk with me" Vasundhara spoke with her cute face.

Her son left the place as usual without answer, smiling at his mom.

Seeing him walk with the towel in hand , his mother shouted "Go freshen up, no need to do exercise. Shave your beard, also let me select the dress for you, dress nicely da. At least for today listen to me"

Only god knows whether he listened to what she said, as he had already gone inside another room and locked himself.

( did anyone find out what is the name of the hero?? Mention the answer in comments)

its been an hour. Downstairs Vasu was serving the breakfast to her loving yet strict husband.

"Did you tell everything to him? I don't want him to say stupid reasons or ask stupid questions and reject the proposal" said Siva while eating a morsel of idli.

He again continued, " Moreover, his dressing sense, hair style, till the marriage he has to dress up as look we say . After marriage anyhow he will listen to his wife. For now he has to listen to us, did you say all that to him?"

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