"Well, you're too much of a good girl even for our own world."- Luz laughed.

"That's a lie. I can be super mean if I want to."

"Hoot! Well, hurry it up with that force field. That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco."- Hooty told Eda.

There was this thing called 'boiling rain' and now Eda was creating a force field to protect the house from it.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it."- and it was done, an orange force field engulfed the house and shrinked to shape closely around it.

"Wow! Someday I'd like to be as cool as Eda the owl lady. Magical, surprisingly foxy for her age."- Luz started.-" hey, why do they call you the owl lady, anyway?- she asked to Eda now.

"Cause I'm so wise."- Eda explained.

"Cause she coughs up rat bones."

Y/n laughed at Hooty's comment.

"I think it's 'cause she gets distracted by shiny objects."- King said, which Eda denied but then he took out a sparkling pen and Eda was delighted, saying she must have it for her nest.

"You have a nest? I want a nest! Nest party!"- Luz was excited as always.

After some arguing with King, Eda entered the house.

"This is perfect. Since we'll be stuck in the house all night, Eda won't have any excuse not to teach me a spell."- Luz said.

"Good luck with your magic lessons, I'll go to sleep."- y/n wasn't much interested in magic, it was already hard enough for her to be on that place. She didn't feel ready to start doing spells.

"But don't you wanna finish our lesson? I was gonna let you scratch a demon's tummy. Me!"- King told Luz.

"Oh, uh, sorry, King. But... magic."

"Don't worry King, let's take a nap better cute little baby"- y/n told him.

"I'm not a little baby! And I don't wanna sleep, I'll teach Luz everything about demons."- he rejected the propose so y/n went upstairs alone.

"Y/n... Wake up, we need your help."- Luz whispered in her cousin's ear.

"What happened? Turn the lights on"- she got up in a few seconds after hearing Luz's 'help.'

"There's no lights...Eda's turned into some kind of demon, and we need to save her."

"What you mean 'some kinda demon'? Oh I hate my life, why did I have to come here!?"

"Stop crying, you coward. Since King is an expert on demons and the best teacher in the world, we have a plan."

"Demons with black eyes are usually sensitive to light."- King started to explain.

"And there's a pattern in the spell circle. Look"- Luz added. She drawed a pattern and taped it, and it became a small ball of light.

"Oh that's amazing! I can't believe this is happening Luz, you have powers, you're like a legend. I'm so proud of you"- she said with a smile and kissed the girl's forehead.

"Aw thanks. But we have no time for that! This is the plan."

King attracted Eda to Luz, who used the light spell to distract her as y/n gave her some elixir that apparently would bring her back to normal.

"W-What happened? Oh, I have the worst headache. And my mouth tastes like roadkill."- Eda throwed up some kind of monkey. She was herself again.

"Eda! That was gross but I'm so glad you're okay!"- y/n hugged her while the witch argued with King and watched Luz's light spells.

"I haven't been completely honest with you guys."- she started.- "when I was younger, I was cursed. I don't know exactly how it happened, all I know is that if I don't take my elixir... Well, that's why people call me the owl lady. No one likes having a curse, but if you take the right steps, it's manageable."- Eda explained.

"So are you okay?"- Luz asked.

"There's nothing for you to worry about. It's all under control, and as long as no one steals my elixir-King-then I'm fine. But, hey, look at this. A human doing magic. Good on you, kid."

"I had some encouragement from a great teacher."

Hooty started to complaim downstairs.-"We'll take care of him. You stay in bed."- Luz then picked up the creature, he was called 'snaggleback.' and apparently Eda ate him before... Interesting.

"And then she had teeth in her stomach. Teeth in her stomach! Can you believe that?"- the snaggleback said, he was sat at y/n's lap as she hugged him.

"Oh, yeah. This will make a great addition to my demon book."- King was writing everything about the owl beast.

"That book is filled with so many interesting things. Like this. I'm one of the strongest demons on the Boiling Isles, huh?"- the red demon smiled.

"Aww you're just a cute little monkey."- y/n kissed the creature's head.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to edit that."- King replied.

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