Chapter 1

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I am sitting in my room studying for school... Chemistry, the symbols look more like hieroglyphics than letters. I was about to close my book in annoyance when my mother walks in.
"Hey Mia, I see you're studying hard?"
"Yeah, I'm trying... what's up, don't you have to leave for the airport soon?"
"Yeah, I wanted to say goodbye to you, we won't see each other for a few months now."
She sits down on my bed. A few months ago, she met a boyfriend abroad and now wants to visit him. I still have to go to school, unfortunately I can't go with her... But I'm actually fine with that, I can enjoy the time alone.
"It will be a few months that you will spend alone, I thought it might be nice if you had some company. I have hired someone to stay here with you."
"What??? You hired a babysitter to watch over me???" I can't believe it, I'm 17, almost 18! I'm not a baby anymore.
"No, no, not a babysitter... just someone to be here with you."
With that, she gets up, hugs me, and with a "goodbye" she leaves me feeling overwhelmed.
A babysitter.
I don't need a babysitter, I'm old enough to take care of myself.
Annoyed, I tear up the paper on which I had balanced chemical reactions a few minutes ago, crumple it into a ball, and throw it across my room, towards the bed. It lands softly on, oh oh, Teddy. I lie down on the bed and retrieve Teddy from under the covers, whom I hit with the paper ball.
"Sorry, Teddy," I murmur and kiss him on the forehead. So we lie there for a while, me on the bed and Teddy on top of me, tightly pressed against me. Teddy is my best friend, just like Sheep.
I am a little, but I have never had a real daddy, well I did, but he was kind of weird.
Well, it's Teddy, Sheep, and me, just the three of us for the next few months... Just the three of us, well and the babysitter. Speaking of which, I don't even know when he's coming. I stand up, still holding Teddy in my hand, and look at myself in the mirror. My dark hair is now completely tousled and my clothes wrinkled.
"We don't make a good first impression like this, do we, Teddy?"
Teddy agrees, he's always on my side. I put on a brown t-shirt and a beige skirt. That way, I can present myself better. I quickly comb through my hair and tie it up in a high ponytail. As soon as my hair was up, the last wrinkle smoothed out, and Teddy approved the outfit, I heard the familiar ringing of the front door. That must be him! I quickly hide Teddy and Sheep, which was sitting obediently on the bed and watching, under my blanket and rushed to the door. Deep breath and press down the handle.

He stood outside the door. I looked up at him, he was quite a bit taller than me. Brown hair and eyes and a mischievous smile.
"Hi," I mumbled shyly.
"Hello," he looked down at me, "you must be Mia? I'm Ben, I'll be spending some time with you here."
I smiled awkwardly, I didn't know exactly what to do, let alone what to say.
I led him into the house and showed him his room.
"Are you hungry, I can cook us something."
"No, I can take care of myself," I mumbled and looked shyly at the floor.
"Sure," he said, walked past me and headed towards the kitchen. The scent of his perfume brushed my nose, as he disappeared from view, I took a deep breath. It smelled pleasantly warm.

I am old enough to take care of myself, but I also don't mind if he stays here for a while.

The babysitterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant