"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't see you." Said Kurumi after accidentally busking a gang member.

"Hey, wait a minute, sweetie." Said the gang member she bumped into as he and his friends walked a little closer to her. "You bumped me and you think you'll get away with it?"

"Hey, she's not bad. What's your name? We're going for a ride." Said another gang member.

Nathan, sensing that something might happen to Kurumi, snuck up behind the trio and tripped one of them, causing him to fall and surprising the other two and Kurumi.

"Hey, you got a problem?" Asked a member of the trio still standing.

"And you?" Nathan shouted back, annoying the gang.

They decided to teach Nathan a lesson and tried to hit him. Unfortunately for them, the teenager was trained. In the end it was he who taught them a lesson. In just a few seconds the gang was on the ground unconscious and being pummeled.

"Thank you for saving me. If you weren't there, who knows what would have happened." Said Kurumi in a slightly dramatic tone that Nathan guessed was simulated.

He wondered if it was because she would have defended herself or if she wanted to take advantage of these guys.

"It's nothing. Besides, I didn't like the way he looked at you. It was like you were a piece of meat to them." Commented Nathan. "So, do you want me to walk you home? It'll be much safer that way."

"Sure, why not." Kurumi agreed.

With that said and done, Nathan and Kurumi went home together for the rest of the way. During this time, they both talked about their hobbies, favorite songs, favorite food, normal questions that people who met for the first time and got along with would ask. He enjoyed every moment of the conversation and so did Kurumi.

When he arrived in front of his apartment, Nathan took his courage in both hands and proposed to Kurumi that he take her on a date for the end of the week, which she accepted.

The week passed and the day of the appointment arrived.

He was wearing the clothes he usually wore outside of class. A jacket with a large pocket, a white shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers. Once that was done, he headed straight for the town square on foot. It was a long way, but Nathan made it and arrived at his destination.

He waited for a moment and Kurumi arrived, dressed in a black dress.

"Hello Nathan." Said Kurumi.

"Hello, Kurumi." He said before looking at her outfit. "Woah, you look great Kurumi."

Kurumi blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you. So, where do we go first?" She asked.

"Well..." Said Nathan thinking of an answer. "There are a lot of nice stores in this area, so why don't we walk around and find out a few along the way?"

"Sure." Said Kurumi before taking Nathan's right arm. "Ready?"

"More ready than not." Said Nathan as he nodded his head.

Nathan and Kurumi started their date. It started out a little slow, but they both immediately had fun during that time. They had a bite to eat, went to pet stores to see cute kittens, looked at new books, and did a little shopping.

An employee gave Nathan some pancakes and he paid him immediately after taking them. He and Kurumi walked to a table near the park and each took a pancake, which they were about to eat.

However, a noise they started to hear stopped them in their tracks. It was a meow.

They turned their heads and they could see a group of guys holding ball guns, they also noticed that they surrounded a cat and used it as a target. They seemed to enjoy it because they laughed hysterically.

Anthology: A compilation of oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now