chapter 5: First Day Of Classes

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Once I got to Transfiguration class I tried looking for Draco to give him the letter I soon spotted a blonde haired boy, there he is, but before I can approach him Professor McGonagall told us to take our seats, Draco sat with Goyle so sitting next to Draco is out of the question I found an empty seat next to a curly haired girl so I took it before getting in trouble.

Class soon started where Professor McGonagall explained what Transfiguration was and gave us an assignment to do, it was quite hard and as I looked around I saw people struggling too and some guessing at it but then I turned to the girl next to me and she was halfway done writing and writing like if it was the easiest thing in the world, so I asked her if she could explain and help me with the assignment and as soon as I asked her she got excited as ever explaining everything and rambling about what it all was what it all meant when she was interrupted by a loud thump.

The whole class looked towards the door to find Harry Potter and the red-haired boy, who I later on found out his name was Ron Weasley. The two boys came in relieved as they made their way to the front desks in front of me and the curly haired girl.

"Whew, made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Just as he said that, Professor McGonagall turned back into her human form as she's animagus.

"That was bloody brilliant!"

Said Ron before Professor McGonagall got mad at them, I saw the curly haired girl shake her head in disapproval and as she saw me looking she then apologized for not introducing herself "Hermione Granger" she said her name was so I smiled and said "I'm Atlas Black nice to meet you" but as soon as the words came out of my mouth her eyes widened and she quickly went back to the assignment.

Does everyone think my father killed the Potters? I wondered, How was it possible the Potters were his friends and gave him a place to stay when he ran away. I tried brushing away my thoughts as I remembered I was going to try to make the best out of today, maybe when I introduce myself I should leave out my last name, no I can't possibly my last name is part of who I am and I'm not ashamed of who I am or who my father is.

Soon after it was time to go to our next class, Charms, I tried hurrying to class to catch up to Draco and give him his letter, once I got to Charms class I looked around for Draco but couldn't find him until he came in and was walking straight towards me, I got a bit relieved knowing he wasn't ignoring me, but soon my hopes came crashing down as he bumped into me and said "Watch where you're going" as his goons laughed at me, I guess he was avoiding me Icouldn't help but tear up but I tried to just swallow the lump in my throat and pretend as if nothing happen and left trying to find a place to sit I sat next to this boy with sort of spiky hair.

Professor Flitwick started explaining what were going to be learning in Charms and what we're going to be doing today I listened attentively on the instructions and before we knew it he gave us a feather and told us what charm to use to levitate it. After a few tries, Hermione Granger, the curly haired girl, got it to levitate, and soon enough, I did too, but before I could be proud of myself, the spiky haired boy made his feather explode. Oh great, I thought as Harry Potter told Professor Flitwick, "I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor."

Then there was Potions which seemed to go by fast as it was nearing the end of the day but potions wasn't much of a class it was fairly easy but most of the time Professor Snape was going after Harry Potter for not knowing some of the most known potions or what ingredients it would need.

And before I knew it we were in our last class which was flying lessons, they were quite interesting they were being taught by Madam Hooch. She then explained that we have to stand on the left side of the brooms and raise our right hands and say "Up." Harry Potter was the first one to get it, then it was me and Draco at the same time. Draco and I used to practice in Malfoy Manor, we enjoyed quidditch.

I looked over at Hermione Granger she kept trying to make the broom come to her but she was having trouble, then I looked to Ron Weasley gave a very aggressive "UP" which then lead to the broom hitting him on the face.

Madam Hooch then proceeded to tell us to get on our brooms but as I was about to a strange boy started to fly and started swinging around as Madam Hooch told him to get down, the boy soon fell from the broom and his robes got stuck on the spear of a statue and as they slowly ripped he fell on the ground and broke his wrist.

Madam Hooch then took him to the infirmary and gave us strict instructions to not go flying off with our brooms but as she left Draco got a hold of the strange boy's (who turned out to be Neville Longbottom) remembrall.

Harry then got defensive and tried getting it back but before you knew it Harry Potter and Draco were up in the air flying their brooms and almost 5 mins later they came back and Harry Potter was victoriously holding the remembrall as Draco was fuming out of the attention he was getting.

Professor McGonagall then came and asked to talk Harry Potter which made Draco smirk, but as the day was ending there was news around Hogwarts saying that Harry was the new Gryffindor Seeker I suppose professor McGonagall wanted Harry Potter on the team, but if it was true and not a rumor that means Harry Potter will be the youngest Seeker to ever exist.

After a day filled with our first day of classes we went to the great hall for dinner, it still hurt sitting at the end of the table by myself but I knew I had to make friends at some point or at least get used to the feeling of it hurting.

After I finished dinner I went to the slytherin common room and into my dorm and took out my sleeping clothes and took a shower and went straight to sleep before my roommates got here so I wouldn't have to overhear any conversations that will lead to me to overthink.

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