chapter 1: Platform 9 3/4

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When Draco and I got our letter to Hogwarts it was all we could talk about, we would go on and on for hours about what we thought we would expect and how we thought it was going to be.

However, as I awoke after a night of toss and turn from the excitement of finally going to Hogwarts I couldn't help but lay on my back and feel a sting in my chest knowing my father wouldn't be there to set me off to my first year at Hogwarts.

But my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a light knock "Come in" I said gently and Narcissa came in as I sat up on my bed "Good morning, breakfast is ready, come down once you've changed and are all set to go" She said while she placed some clothes she picked out on the edge of my bed for me to change to.

As I got dressed, I slowly forgot about that sting in my chest and instead got more eager and excited to be attending Hogwarts and to see what else awaited me there.

Soon after finishing our breakfast Narcissa and Lucius took Draco and me to platform 9 3/4, as I stood there I took a moment to take everything in, the big train with the words 'Hogwarts Express' on it, the sign dangling at the top where '9 3/4' was on, the bricked walls could hardly be seen and was just a wall of people instead, but then I couldn't help but notice how each parent hugged their children with love and care while they cried at their children going away to school, but before I could react Narcissa embraced me in a hug and kissed the top of my head while she said "Good luck, you will do great."
And at that moment, I didn't think about anything except how lucky I am to have Narcissa and Draco and how wherever I am, I won't feel alone, for they are always with me.

Once Draco and I stepped into the Hogwarts Express we made our way trying to find an empty compartment while seeing old friends reuniting, new friends meeting, and children crying as they pressed their hands and faces on the window saying a last farewell to their parents.

Once we finally found an empty compartment we got in excited as ever while putting our bags away, "I heard Harry Potter will be attending Hogwarts too" Draco said nonchalantly as he looked out the window seeing the train slowly departing from the platform.

Draco had told me all about Harry Potter after we overheard a conversation between Lucius and Narcissa in which they spoke about the dark lord, who the dark lord was I wasn't sure I just know he was feared among the pure-blood families.

After a while of staring out the window, I found myself getting exhausted as my eyelids felt like weights, and as my mind was clear of thought, I couldn't help but go to sleep.

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I apologize for the short chapter. I will be trying to write longer chapters 😊

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