Part 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

159 5 2

*The Continue Of The Game

Sam: * counts 2 mins

Sam: ready or not here I come

Erin: *seeks behind back

Sam: wow cant believe that ur dum Erin

Erin: shut the f##k up

Sam: whatever

Sam: hmm..

(ill tell where everyone is)

Fella = Bathroom -shower

Tom = 2nd bedroom -under the sheets

Bubba: = 1st bedroom -in closet with Kicky under clothes

Kicky = already said it

[Sam (if I weren't the seeker) Camolfloged in walls]

Sam: I might go look in the 2nd bedroom

Sam: *goes to 2nd bedroom and finds the sheets fat

Sam: hmm I wonder where is he..

Sam: found u Tom

Tom: whyyyyyyyy

Sam: that was a bad spot

Tom:*hits a pillow on me

Sam:*grabs the pillow before Tom hit me

Sam: ha get slaped*slaps Tom

Tom:*flies out of house and breaks the 2nd bedroom's window

Tom: how could this happen to meeeeeeeeee"

Sam: hehe

Sam: hmm time to find 3 more

Sam: I should go to the kitchen for food

Sam:*goes to kitchen and eats the icecream

Sam: yummy

Sam: anyways lets go search

Sam: lemme go to the bathroom jic =(just in case)

Sam: *opens door

Sam: why I see a bit if black and red?

Sam: *goes to the shower's door and opens it

Sam: welp guess I found u Fella

Fella: good job

Sam: ty and u know that ur the first person to complitment me?

Fella: rlly?

Sam: ya

Fella: ty ig

Sam: np

Sam: time to find the others

Tom: hey fella

Fella: ya?

Tom: where we go?

Fella: ig wait in the living room?

Tom: k ig

Meanwhile (Bubba and Kicky)

Bubba: its been long now

Kicky: not rlly

Bubba: and what makes u think that?

Kicky: idk

Bubba: no offence but thats whta I thought

Kicky: after this ill slice ur head off

Bubba: ill like to see u try NOW

Kicky: as u wish

Bubba: wdym 

Kicky: am doing later

Bubba: is that what u are gonna say?

Kicky: about

Bubba: about?

Kicky: were ABOUT to get CAUGHT

Sam: found u guys!

Bubba: oh good job

Kicky: yeah good job

Sam: ty

Bubba: what now?

Sam: lets all head back-

Erin: *jumps on me

Sam:AAAAH! *falls to the ground with Erin

Sam: rlly Erin?

Erin: revenge

Sam: oh so u want that?

Erin: i mean ya?

Sam: ok here u go 

Erin: what-* gets teleported to the living room

Erin: that did no-

Erin: * gets squished by a fat pillow

Sam: did u like that

Erin: whatever

Sam: anyways lets go

Kicky: u ok?

Sam: yeah

Bubba: alr lets go

                                                     So ill complete this next chap or part (whatever u call)

                                                       But after that ill copy from my journal about part or chap 11

                                                          Have a awsome day/afternoon/night bye.


                                                                                                                                   Sammy and Sam!

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