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I had made my way out to the barrier, as I saw Charles car park in front of the third place sign.
He jumped out of the car and ran straight up to us.
I tried to embrace him in a hug, "I'm so proud of you." I smiled, unsure if he could actually hear me.


I was back in the Ferrari hospitality waiting for Charles to finish all of the post race things he had to do.

As he came through the doors and walked up to me. "Okay, I'm done, let's head back to the hotel and get ready." He smiled.

"Please don't come near me, you smell." I laughed, while taking a step back.

He looked at me grinning as he sprinted towards me with open arms. I immediately started running, but he caught me, as a shriek left me.


We were in a car on our way to the club, when Charles look over at me. "Ellie, promise me to behave, don't make me regret this." He said a bit concerned.

"I promise, just a few drinks, I can control myself." I reassured.

He gave me a small smile, as the car stopped outside of the club.


We were all sitting at a table up in the vip section, Charles busy in a conversation with Max, probably discussing the race, by the look of their faces and hand motions.

And I was deep in conversation with Lando.

Our conversation got interrupted as Charles came up behind me and tapped on my shoulder. "I'm getting tired, maybe it's time to leave." He said.

"No, I don't want to leave yet, please, can't we stay just a bit longer." I pleaded.

"Hey, if you want to leave, I can stay with her and I will bring her back later." Lando chimed in.

Charles looked between us, while thinking. "Okay, but Ellie, please behave, don't make me regret this and be nice to Lando."

I smiled as I got up and hugged him. "I promise."


As I was about to take another sip from my drink, a hand snatched the glass away just before it reached my lips. Startled, I looked up to find myself face to face with Lando, his curly hair illuminated by the club's flashing lights.

"I think that's enough," he said, his voice gentle but firm.

Frowning, I felt a surge of defensiveness rise within me. "Why do you care?" I snapped back, my words slurred by the alcohol coursing through my veins. "And for the record, I've only had a few."

I attempted to pull away, but Lando's grip on my arm was firm, preventing my escape. His gaze softened, a hint of concern in his eyes.

"I care because I don't want to see you hurting yourself," he replied. "And I can tell you've had more than just a few."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, "I don't need your help."

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