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Saturday had arrived and once again, like the days before I found myself mostly stuck on the sofa in the Ferrari hospitality.

Except for now, the sofa had been changed to a chair outside, as me and Charles were eating lunch.

"Hey, Charles?" I spoke up, breaking the silence.

Charles glanced up at me, the fork still in his mouth. "Mmh?" He mumbled in response.

"I was thinking, is it alright if I walk over to Pierre before quali, just to talk to him, I might even apologize for the position I put him in earlier this week."

"Just to Pierre and then straight back here?" He questioned, his brow furrowing slightly.

"That's the plan." I confirmed with a hopeful smile.

"Okay, I'll be in the garage, so just head over there when you come back." He smiled back.

"Thank you!" I said, as I gathered all my belongings and got up, before making my way out into the crowded paddock.

As I made may way towards Alpines hospitality, lost in my own thoughts, I feel myself colliding with someone.
"Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed quickly, before looking up at the person in front of me.

"Princess Monaco, where are you off to in a hurry?" Lando smirked. "Running away from Charles?" He continued.

"No, I'm on my way to see if Pierre hates me or not."

"Aren't you like best friends, why would he hate you?" He questioned.

"Well, you remember the dinner we had, I might have made him sneak me drinks.., in front of Charles." I said, shyly.

"I think he would be stupid to hate you, he will come around, I promise." He smiled.

"Thank you, but I better get going now, before Charles appears and you two start to gang up on me again."

"I won't hold you any longer." He chuckled.

"Good luck, in quali." I smiled, before continuing my way to Alpine.

I came to a halt in front of the Alpine hospitality, hesitant on going in.

My choice of changing my mind disappeared, as Pierre walked out of the doors immediately spotting me.

He walked up to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the side of the hospitality, before letting go of me.

"What are you doing here, does Charles know you are here?" He said coldly.

I sigh, "Yes, I came because I want to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say to you." He said angrily and started to walk away.

"Please, listen," I grabbed his arm trying to make him stay. "Okay, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have made you do it."

Pierre stopped and turned around, a mix of emotions played across his face – frustration, hurt, and perhaps a glimmer of understanding.

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