The Pony Princess from another Dimension

Start from the beginning

Her scream was so loud that Todd had to cover his ears. Twilight then covers her mouth

Todd: (thinking) Nice set of lungs

He then watched as the girl begins to wiggle her arms. After doing this, she then looks at the rest of her joints. She was at the point of freaking out.

Spike: Twilight, you have to get it together!

The girl gives a deep breath

Twilight Sparkle: What... does the rest of me look like?

Spike: Um, like you. Only not you. Your muzzle's really small.

Todd blink at what he heard. Could the girl be some kind of animal from that mirror?

Twilight Sparkle: My muzzle?!

She felt her nose. Twilight is about to panic, but Spike covers her mouth

Spike: Are you gonna scream again?

Todd decides to go up to the girl and dog

Todd: Excuse me

The girl and dog looked at him

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Hello

Todd: I saw you and your dog come out of that statue.

Twilight and Spike became shocked

Spike: You. You saw that?!

Todd: Uh huh. And judging from the way you were freaking out over your body and how your dog talked, I take it you are not from around here?

Twilight Sparkle: You could say that. In fact, I'm not from this world

Todd: Not from this world? Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but I think it has something to do with that statue. (points at the statue) Can you please fill me in?

Twilight Sparkle: Well. It's like this...

The girl began to explain how she and Spike came from an alternate world called Equestria. Twilight also said that she is a pony from the world she is from. Needless to say, Todd was very surprised

Todd: Wait wait wait wait. Back up. You're saying that you're a horse from this world called Equestria?

Twilight Sparkle: Pony, actually. And yes, Equestria is where I live. I am also a princess there

Todd fell to his knees

Todd: Unbelievable

Spike: Don't forget. In Equestria, I am a fire breathing dragon

Todd: Wow

Todd remembered seeing a picture of a dragon in some books. He never imagined that they were real in another dimension.

Twilight Sparkle: Does that answer your question?

Todd stood back up

Todd: To be honest, I find all this hard to believe. But then again, you two did came out of that statue, so I guess it does.

Twilight and Spike nod their heads. The girl then spoke up

Twilight Sparkle: So. What's your name?

Todd: My name is Todd. Todd Wild. What's yours?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Todd.

Spike: And my name's Spike.

Todd: Hey there

Twilight Sparkle: So, Todd. Can you tell us where we are?

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