1| Countdown to the Apocalypse

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This piqued Five's interest, "Sensitive?" He repeated.

"Yeah," the guy nodded vigorously, "cried a lot, kept coming back to the alley, sat around for hours calling a woman's name, uhhh." he repeatedly snapped his fingers, desperately trying to remember, "Allison! Yeah, Allison."

"Luther," he mumbled in realization. Five quickly looked over the pictures again, seeing them in a new light. If this guy had seen Luther, then that would mean the rest of the blurry pictures could only be his other siblings.

"He wasn't the only one," the man continued, "the others came too, off and on over the years, looking for each other. Eventually. . .they stopped."

"So, my families alive, " Five peered over each and every picture, there was Allison, Klaus, Diego, the obvious big ass shoulders of Luther, Vanya still in her white suit.

"Shit," Five cursed as the fact that he had stranded them all here finally set in. And then he went silent, leaning closer into the pictures.

Klaus, Allison, Luther, Vanya, Diego.

Klaus, Allison, Luther, Vanya, Diego.

Klaus, Allison, Luther, Vanya, Diego.

Now where the hell were you?



With the nuclear apocalypse of the 1960's only six days away, the members of the Umbrella Academy were all completing their own little side quests. There was still no sign of you, which meant Five was starting to lose his shit. But the warning bells weren't completely going off yet, as it stood, Five had only managed to find Diego, Luther, and Vanya, so there was still hope that you were off on your own side quest with Allison and Klaus.

But unfortunately, this little hope was squashed during a reunion between Luther and Allison.

With an old music player in the background playing some miserable song about feeling sad and hurt, Luther was taking the words to heart. He was sitting at a picnic table of an outside food place called, Mama's Bar. B. Q., which didn't sound all that healthy, but it was just what Luther needed for his moping. With the table packed full of probably every food on the menu, he was gobbling up the food looking like one sad lonely giant, Mama's Barbeque smeared over his mouth.

And then, the unexpected happened, looking up for only a second, his and Allison's eyes met from across the crowd of people. After such a long time the shock in both their expressions were evident.

". . .Allison?" Luther mumbled. He quickly turned around, wiping his face with a crumpled up napkin before standing up to meet her.

Allison hesitantly approached him, before sweeping him into a desperate hug. It was if the two of them were in their own world outside of Mama's Bar. B. Q, finally reunited after so long. After the hug was over, the cheesy smiles of shy teens graced the both of them.

"Hey," Luther mumbled, still chewing his barbeque, "I like your hair,"

"Oh. . ." Allison unconsciously touched her hair, laughing a bit. "Thank you."

"Come on, sit down, sit down."

The two of them sat at that picnic table, exchanging their pleasentries, catching up. Overall, it was an awkward, happy occasion. Until the realization hit them first.

"Have you, um, heard from any of the others?" Allison asked, hesitantly. "Vanya?"

"Uh, on a farm." Luther answered, "and happy."

"Right. . .weird." Allison nodded, relieved, but also perplexed, "Diego?"

". . .Nuthouse." Luther added, saying it simply.

Allison pursed her lips, it made a little more sense then Vanya, but it was still strange.

"Klaus?" Luther asked, he wasn't entirely sure Allison knew where he was, but he thought he might as well ask.

"Cult Leader."

"Eh," Luther shrugged it off as if it Cult Leader was the least unexpected.

Allison laughed at the fates of the rest of the Umbrella Academy, only they could end up doing some weird shit like founding a Cult.


"Turned up a few days ago," Luther said, "nothing weird, yet."

They both shared a laugh, once the funniness of everything died down, one question was on their minds.

"Y/n?" Luther and Allison both said your name in unison, their eyes locking onto each other as something seemed to click.

"She's not with you??"


So the mystery begins! Don't worry though, you might show up next chapter.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 | ꜰ. ʜᴀʀɢʀᴇᴇᴠᴇꜱOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz