Chapter 6

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The next kickoffs were practically a three-way battle between [Name], Reo, and Zantetsu as no one else was given a chance to steal the ball, let alone score for themselves.

Despair seemed to grow within Team Y as the score range between the two teams grew into something they couldn't turn around anymore. It didn't even feel like a match at this point as it practically turned into a contest of who could score the most between the trio.

The next goal was finally Zantetsu's only for Reo to score the next kickoff. [Name] refused to be left behind though as he scored another one right after those two.

The next kick-off started but the other team saw no hope in doing anything as they merely huffed tiredly and watched [Name], Reo, and Zantetsu butt heads against each other for another point.

A few more shoving and running happened before Zantetsu scored again, giving him his second point. Alas, Reo scored right after that as the points turned 7-0, giving him his hat trick.

"There! I scored a hat trick! It's my win!" Reo exclaimed his victory loudly to Zantetsu and [Name] who were catching their breaths behind him. All three of them were pretty sweaty at this point with [Name] being an exception as he was still somewhat presentable. It's a talent he managed to pick up from someone.

"I wanted to score at least another point." [Name] breathed out but didn't feel all too disheartened. He could even say he had fun going against Reo and Zantetsu.

"The game's not over," Zantetsu responded to Reo's victory celebration. "We still have some unfinished business."

"Piss off. I don't have time to waste on either of you." Reo cursed lowly as his eyes searched around the field. "It's about time I played with Nagi." Eventually, he caught sight of the white-haired teen causing him to turn dumbfounded at the sight of what he was doing.

"Well, there he goes." [Name] hummed with a hand to his waist, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he watched Reo stomping over to Nagi who was leisurely lying on their team's net like a hammock.

Reo seemed to have said something to convince Nagi seeing as how the latter eventually stood up from his comfortable spot. He stretched and got himself ready, a flickering glow in his eyes.

"Looks like that's it for me," [Name] sighed as he watched Reo and Nagi advance to Team Y after the round reset. It was the other team's turn to kick off the ball and surprisingly, the rowdy one with a mohawk advanced with the ball.

No matter how he tried to get past Reo though, the heir was easily able to kick the ball away from his feet and grab possession instead. As he did that, Nagi simply cut through everyone else and headed over to Team Y's goal. 

He trusted the Reo would get the ball to him. "Phone... games... three goals..."

"That's right, Nagi...I'll do all the groundwork and help change this 'Zero' into a 'One'!" Reo gave the ball a hard kick, aiming it towards the path Nagi was running in.

As [Name] watched the performance by these two 'geniuses', he felt someone rush past him. His eyes widened slightly as he watched Zantetsu run after Nagi and catch up to him in no time.

The glasses-wearing one tried to intercept the pass but Nagi spun around and trapped the ball with his chest before it could even land on the ground. "Just three goals."

He kicked the ball up before jumping and scoring a goal from right where he was with a bicycle kick. The goalie dived for the unrealistic shot and tried to block it but the ball had already been shot to the net, giving Team V yet another point.

Nagi landed quite terribly but even so, the skill to trap the ball effortlessly and immediately follow up the bicycle despite two people trying to steal the ball had [Name] whistling. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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