Chapter 1

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[Name] and Rin.

While their names weren't known internationally like someone they knew, They were still a pretty famous duo in the football community of local schools. They were often mentioned together, no matter the context.

Their names never strayed too far from one another when talked about.

Most people say they were attached to the hips and while they weren't wrong, they could never understand. They'd never understand the pain of losing someone they cared about—the pain of their once trio turning into a duo.

But then again, it was none of their business anyways. 

"Just a bit more..." Rin mumbled as his focus remained trained on the goal before him. His eyes flickered all over the field to keep track of everyone's positions while his mind thought of all the possible movements they could make.

"Rin!" [Name] called the other's attention as he skid to a stop and blocked two defenders trying to steal the ball from his feet. 

At the call of his name, Rin slid into his perfect position as he turned to look at [Name] with swirling eyes as if telling him to pass the ball. 

Almost immediately did [Name] get what that look meant as his body moved on autopilot. He kicked his feet back before passing the ball perfectly onto Rin's feet. "Go!"

Twisting his body into position, he immediately kicked the ball towards the goal. The enemy players tried their best to stop it but the ball just went past them as if Rin had already foreseen their movements beforehand.


Everyone in their team was quick to yell in victory, including Rin himself, while the enemy team merely slumped down to the ground in defeat. As they cheered, someone even decided to lift Rin up causing everyone else to surround him.

From afar, [Name] merely watched them celebrate with a tired smile. Small huffs left his lips as he crossed his arms against his chest. Although he was also a bit happy that they won, he always did prefer the scene that came after.

The way Rin's eyes lit up like ashes turning aflame after scoring a winning goal felt like a breath of fresh air for [Name[. The younger Itoshi rarely expressed himself yet when it came to football, it was as if his emotions spark up and revive.

Once everyone had eventually settled down and walked away from the field did [Name] decide to finally approach the MVP of their team.

"Good game." He laughed quietly as he approached the huffing teen. Rin's eyes were a bit foggy from the tiring game but it cleared up just a bit once he heard [Name]'s voice.

"Nice pass." That was the only compliment Rin could come up with as he stared speechless at the teen before him. Another laugh escaped [Name]'s lips at the uncharacteristic attempt he pulled at being nice.

"You don't need to push yourself." The older teen snorted as gave Rin's shoulder a light yet teasing pat. "We both know you're not good at being nice."

An annoyed tick mark seemed to appear on Rin's face as he looked at the snickering teen already walking away. "You little-"

[Name]'s obnoxious laugh could be heard from afar as he ran away from Rin who seems to have started chasing him. Unbeknownst to them though, a young woman with brownish-pink hair watched them from a distance as she grabbed her phone and made a call to someone.

"Just as we expected, they truly do make an amazing pair!" The lady spoke confidently into her phone as she watched the winning team chat happily amongst themselves. "With [Name]-san's precision and technique paired with Rin-san's extraordinary game sense and raw strength, they'll surely make an amazing addition to Blue Lock."

A few mumbles, most likely a response, could be heard from the lady's phone as she listened intently. Eventually, she ended the call before walking away with a contented smile on her face.


The next day was quite an uneventful one as [Name] sat on the living room couch with crossed legs. His eyes were more or less having a staring contest with a letter his mother gave to him before she left for work.

She said something along the lines of 'Japan Football Association' but he can't be too sure since he was still half asleep when she placed the letter on his table and kissed him goodbye on the forehead.

"Football..." He mumbled quietly to himself before finally grabbing the letter slowly. While normally, someone would feel more ecstatic at the possibility of being recognized, [Name] himself couldn't help but feel a bit...guilty.

He's come to terms with not liking football as much compared to before so having to play for something much more serious doesn't sit right with him. Plus, he wasn't even as good as most players he's fought against nor was he as skilled as the players he's currently playing with.

So why him?

'Maybe if I say I didn't see the letter then I won't have to go...' He thought to himself as he carefully opened the letter and read its contents. 

It was mostly about player improvement and while he appreciated the thought of him being good enough to be trained professionally, he couldn't help but feel as though he were stealing this opportunity from someone much better.

Shifting his feet around, his legs started to bounce as he subconsciously nibbled on his lips. He felt conflicted about what to do. He knows he doesn't want to go but what would his mom think if he let such an opportunity go? What would Rin think if he gave this chance up?

Sighing, he let himself lean back on his couch as he brought his arm up to cover his eyes. As he mulled things over silently, a sudden knock had him sitting back up with a tense posture.

The knocking was hurried and impatient, causing him to grow a bit annoyed as he stood up from his seat. "Yes, yes, I'm on my way!"

Had he taken a second to think clearly, he might've recognized the incessant knocking on his door. 


"You're going." He spoke suddenly with no room for any arguments. Small imaginary question marks floated above [Name]'s head at the sudden words before realization struck him.

Sometimes, he hates just how well Rin knew him at times. How he'd predict his thoughts before he could even act on it

"Hello to you too..." He responded eventually as he gave a tired sigh. He then proceeded to move to the side and let Rin in.

Although his plans of not going were foiled, he was quite happy to have someone like Rin in his life.


definitely editing this one day cuz it feels off but other than that, I'm quite happy the first chapter is out!

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