"No, there is an address for one of the buildings that the order is using for their headquarters. I don't think it's their main headquarters, a back up one basically." Sirius responded. "They want us to meet there."

"Home field advantage," Harry said thoughtfully. "do you think I should go?"

"I think it might be worth it," Sirius answered after a few moments of thinking. "worst case scenario it's a waste of time or a trap...or both. But if it is then I have no doubt you'll be able to escape, but if we're lucky then it might end up being helpful."

"Fine, I will go, just me." Harry said, adding the last part to the others. "Wait," He said when they looked like they about to protest. "if it's just me then I can get in and out faster, plus I would not have to worry about you lot if things do go into a fight. Besides, you lot will need to stay in here anyway thanks to Libra. I am sorry but it is better my way and you know I am right."

"Fine," Bellatrix sighed. "but I want you gone from there the first sign of trouble."

"Yes ma'am." Harry said with a mock salute. The group then returned to eating while occasionally talking to each other.

It was then that Harry realised something, while Fleur could no longer reach with her feet she was now more than capable of using her hand. He sent her a mock glare, she simply smirked at him and continued eating. He shook his head and also continued eating, realising that if it was going to happen one way or another then he'd better finish up his food so he could go to his room and do it there.

"I am really not sure about this Alastor," Molly Weasley said as the order of the phoenix waited inside the headquarter building. They were currently in a room filled with various sofas and chairs, most of the order had chosen to sit apart from a select few that were fine standing. "I mean really, I don't know what Albus was thinking but he clearly was not in his right mind when he said it. He was in Azkaban for Merlin sakes! You cannot seriously be considering this!"

"Why not?" Moody shrugged. "It is clear to me that the boy at least knows what he is doing, better than Albus, that's for sure."

"Dumbledore was a great wizard!" One member said in defense of the headmaster.

"Aye, he was," Moody nodded. "a great wizard does not mean a great soldier nor does it mean a great general. Yes Albus was smart and powerful when it came to magic but he did not have the right mind to lead in a war."

Any further responses were cut off as the room suddenly became dark, a few of the order members panicked while the more level headed ones quickly pulled their wands out. However there was no need as a second later the room returned to normal apart from one key difference. Harry Potter was now in the room, sitting on a chair and facing all the order members. He wore his usual black outfit with pads included along with his white skull mask, his wand was also out and in his right hand.

Several orders members jumped back in shock while nearly all of them had their wands out and aimed at him. Harry looked at them and tilted his head slightly.

"I would stand down if I were you." Harry said in a warning tone. "Because if I even suspect that one of you are about to fire a spell then I am going to burn this whole building to the ground with all of you in it."

"Wands down." Moody barked as he lowered his own wand, slowly each and every order member lowered their wands as well. "You came," Moody said. "I wasn't sure if you would."

"I was tempted not to," Harry admitted. "now what do you cunts want?"

"Young man, that is no way to talk to us!" Molly Weasley said before anyone else could respond. "I am tempted to wash your mouth out!"

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