Roaming Around

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"Y/NNN" a bee boy jumped on her, feeling excited to see her outside of the facility. Y/n was strong enough to not stumble and just carried Bachira, "Nice to see you too Bachira" However, the boy would pout, saying "You and Rin are so alike sometimes, you don't smile a lot" "Yeah, I wonder why" she replied with sarcasm.

"Say, Y/n are you not feeling well? You're voice sounds different" that was when she realized she was in trouble. 'I FORGOT MY VOICE CHANGER.' 'YOU FORGOT YOUR VOICE CHANGER?!! 😱😱 Just so y'know I ain't switching in' although she was panicking on the inside, she outside appearance seem to remain blank. "...maybe"

Fortunately for Y/n they didn't think much of it. 'Wait.. why didn't you notice my voice when you were still in my body earlier' she got no response. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of him one day" she quietly grumbled in annoyance.

Bachira, thinking he was the one she's talking about, let's go of her fast as he could. "Why'd you let go?" Y/n tilted her head, "You were talking about beating someone up" he awkwardly said. "Oh, don't worry, I just forgot about something and wasn't reminded of it" I mean, it's half-true so it works.

"I'm guessing that's the new guy?" one of the guys asked. 'He knows who I am yet he chose to play pretend, very well, I shall too' "Rengoku Y/n at your service" she nodded at him, the demon would cackle at this behavior so she's glad he's not responding. A redhead went next, "I'm-" "I know, in fact I know most of you here"

The girl then went on to explain on how she knew due to Anri giving her the information on Blue Lock in general. "Well that's settled, so care to explain what happened?" Isagi looked at her dead in the eyes, which made her curse under her breath.

She took a seat next to a white haired boy, gaining a heavy weight on her head. He was resting his head on hers. "Ignoring that, as a witness do you remember the one I fought?" Isagi nodded his head at the question, of course he'd remember, it's engraved into his memory at this point.

'Sound barrier is on ma'am, you're free to talk' 'Thanks' "That was what we call, a demon" that word itself, brought various reactions from the group. Y/n continued to explained about their origins, how they survive and why they're nowhere to be seen in the day etc. Including the Demon Slayer corps.

After a good 30 minutes <(_ _)>

"So, you FIGHT those things?!!"


"And there are times you almost died??"

"Like when I fought Yuki, yes"

"Are you gay Y/n?" Bachira innocently asked.

"Yes" 'Technically I'm straight but since you lot know me as a guy, I'm gay'

Silence fell on the lads and lass, seeing that she answered that with no hesitations. One of them opened his mouth to ask if she was sure but to their surprise she answered, "Yes, next question" "Since you fight those things, does that mean there's more of you?" Kunigami asked, when Y/n noticed something lurking in his shadows.

She noticeably sighed, grabbing a hidden dagger and shot his shadow, revealing a demon who burned away from the sun. Making Kunigami move away form his spot almost immediately. "Yes, there's more of us.. However, if word gets out about us, you are to be eliminated by no other than me" she eerily smiled, twirling her gun around.

Another question rose, "Then, what are you? You said there were rankings for demons, surely you guys also have one?" Y/n nodded, acknowledging Nagi's sharp ear. "That's right, our rankings are Mizumoto, Mizunoe, Kanoto, Kanoe, Tsuchinoto, Tsuchinoe, Hinoto, Hinoe, Kinoto and Kinoe"

"Which one are you?" Nagi moved on from just resting his head on hers, to moving his arms to her shoulders. "Those are the ordinary ranks, don't get me mixed up with childplay." she glared at him, "Beyond the ordinary ranking, lies the strongest, we call them Hashira"

It honestly surprised Y/n to see that they were paying attention, does it interest them that much? "So you're a..?" "Don't you guys get it.. He's a Hashira" Nagi mumbled, seemingly falling asleep due to his head slowly dropping down to Y/n's shoulder.

You have received a message from
Master's speaker!

Hearing the notification, Y/n grabbed her phone out of her bag so fast to check the message. 'It's them, is today Kyo's mission?!' she looked at her screen, slightly panicking. "Why didn't he tell me?.."

Master's speaker

Miss Y/n, today marks the day of
Rengoku Kyojuro's mission on
the mugen train

Yeah I'll be there by tonight

Very well, thank you for
looking out for Kyojuro my child - Master

Also can u raise my salary?
I need to pay for the damages in
Blue Lock facility

Don't worry Miss Y/n, we'll take care
of the expenses, just focus on
your job

Everyone was seen huddled around Y/n, curious to what's happening. Except for Reo since he knows some of the things they don't. "Rengoku Kyojuro??" "He's my older brother" "And you can just ask for a salary raise just like that? No questions??" Kunigami said with a look of disbelief.

"Yes, it works differently in the corps"

"Sorry I'm late, late" A new voice emerged, looking up to see who he is. They were met with peace signs from the guy, he had reddish brown hair along with a small braid. 'Oh my, never would I have ever thought that I'd meet a cute guy..'

Reo got up to greet the just arrived boy, Y/n learns that he was also from blue lock which makes it even better for her. It's like a ten plus another ten. "Kurona, move away from the shadow please" Y/n said with a small smile.

"Sure, sure" Y/n knows that he's been there the whole time, he just didn't talk since he didn't want to interrupt anything, what a nice kid. Wish my juniors were like that, smh. She didn't do anything this time, but the demon was still killed by getting slashed a hundred times, dying in a gruesome way. 'Thanks dude' 'Anythang for the girls'

"Let's move on from that, since we're all here we can go to the arcade now"

"Wait, I'm invited??"

(1535 words)
(Published: 28th of February, 2024)
(Edited: 5th of March, 2024)

Will Of The Burning Flames Never Go OutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang