Sing Hallelujah ~ Poofless And Bajanless

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This is kind of based off of the song Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco, but im not writing the lyrics so... Just search it on YouTube.

I'm going to state it plain and simple. Maybe it was a bad idea cheating on my boyfriend. Maybe I should learn when I have had enough to drink. But all these maybes won't change the fact that what happened, happened, and that it was set in stone.

This wasn't the first time either. I usually know my limits when it comes to drinking. But that time I wasn't paying attention. I could play it off, but that wouldn't wash away the guilt I feel. I could say he came onto me, but that would make me a liar.

It is no use lying when what you have done is irreversible. I told him I learned from my mistake last time, and he gave me another chance, but I obviously didn't learn a damn thing. So he told me off, told me I was traitor, and I believe him.

I am a traitor, and maybe if I had thought about my actions, maybe if I knew how much I would hurt him. Maybe it would have turned out differently. Maybe we would have lived long happy lives together, maybe even adopted children.

But that's alot of maybes. So all us sinners must stand up and sing hallelujah. Because a sinner knows their limits, and I have found mine.

To Jerome, i'm sorry for being a shitty friend, and being involved with Mitch's affair. To Mitch, well I don't have much to say but goodbye.

And to Preston, i'm sorry.

Whether in Hell or Heaven, all us sinners stand up, and sing hallelujah.


--Your one and only Flower King, Rob

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