Skylox ~ Happy I Caught You

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Trigger Warning.

Ty walked along the broken, pothole infested road. He watched as dusk turned the night sky dark, and the stars, one by one, came out. Crumbling buildings, abandoned mills, and old apartments. That's all this part of town was, it was nothing special. Just like Ty.

Atleast, that's how everyone else in that town saw him. Nothing special, an average C- student, who will probably will achieve little to nothing in life.

A bittersweet smile spread across his face as he realised his last words to his brother were, "Long live the reckless and the brave."

He always thought that song was meaningful. Ty always believed that his song had been sung, and that he didn't need saving. Not that anyone would save him anyways. His abusive father had already killed his mother, and Ty's brother was just sent off for war. No way his father would realise he was gone for another few hours.

He was left alone again. Left to his own devices. He walked up to an old building, and peeled off the wood that blocked off the broken windows. Ty slipped into the building, and looked around. There wasn't much left of the old building.

Mold grew on the corners of the rooms, and some even on the ceiling, a thick layer of dust ly all over the ground. With every step Ty made, dust flew into the air, making him cough.

After his coughing fit, he walked round looking for doors. He found quite a few doors, but they were all locked. One, or two of them would open up, but they were storage closets. Stray cracked buckets, and a bottle of chemicals is all he found.

He sighed in frustration as he moved onto the last door. He moved his hand onto the knob, and twisted. He smiled as he opened the door, and saw a staircase leading upwards. Slowly, Ty made his way up the stairs, and onto the rooftop of the crumbly, old, tattered, building.

The rooftop showed the bright dazzling stars. Ty stopped and admired the stars for a moment, and laughed half-heartily. Was it a stupid decision to do this? Yes. Was Ty stupid?... Yes.

He moved himself to the ledge of the building. He looked down, and smiled. About a fifty foot drop, he had nothing to lose. So why not just jump, right then and there?

Ty leaned forward, nearly pushing himself fully off. The rush of nearly falling made it so he didn't hear the light footsteps running towards him. Ty took a deep breath, and pushed himself off the building.

For a moment, Ty was weightless, he only heard the air rushing past his ears, and he imagined himself standing next to his mom. He imagined his bones crushing on impact, every single one of them.

But that didn't happen. Instead an arm wrapped around Ty's waist, and another lifted him up by his arms. He was lifted back onto the rooftop.

He whined as the strange person checked for Ty's pulse, and kept asking if he was okay.

You just stopped him from jumping off a building. Of course he isn't okay!

Ty scrambled back to his feet, trying desperately to make it to the ledge, but the stranger caught him again. This time the stranger pinned Ty to the ground.

"I'm not going to let you jump! Are you okay?" The stranger sounded determined, but Ty was persistent.

After a few minutes of struggling under the stranger, Ty finally gave in, and relaxed. But he still was pissed at the stranger.

"Why do you care?" Ty spat the words out like venom, "It's my death wish, not yours."

The stranger growled at Ty's response, and Ty realised the position he was in. He was being straddled by a strange man. Blush quickly spread across his cheeks, but the dark night sky covered it.

The man above him paid no attention to the position they were in, but he did lean in close to Ty's ear. "My name's Adam. Yours?"

Ty gulped down the lump in his throat, "T-ty." He cursed himself for stuttering.

"Well, Ty." Adam lifted his head up a bit, so he was facing Ty, but still straddling him. "Can I? May I ask why?"

Ty lost it. He immediately broke down into tears, and couldn't sob out a word. At first, Adam seemed shocked, as if he didn't know what to do, but he slowly sat down beside Ty, and pulled Ty onto his lap. Adam whispered sweet nothings into Ty's ear, and gently rubbed Ty's back.

Ty was loving every second of it. He hadn't been shown any emotional support since his mother's death. So Ty sat there, and cried his heart out, knowing the stranger wouldn't slap him for doing so, like his father usually did.

Once Ty had calmed down, he cuddled into the crook of Adam's neck, hoping the stranger wouldn't mind. Mindlessly, Adam wrapped his arms around Ty's waist.

"I'm happy I caught you..." Adam whispered gently into Ty's ear, and quickly placed a kiss on Ty's forehead.

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