03: A Tempting Offer

Start from the beginning

But instead of berating you, he does the exact opposite.

He apologizes.

"Sorry," he sighs. "It's been a long time since I drank someone's blood like this. Up until I was admitted entry to the city, I lived off the government-issued blood packs, so I didn't have to bite anyone. I suppose I should learn how to be a bit gentler."

Uh... what?

You weren't expecting this. You weren't expecting this at all. Granted, he was very vocal about not wanting to force you into anything, but he never really struck you as the compassionate type. His expression is usually so stern, almost as frigid as his ice-cold hands.

But right now, he actually looks a bit sheepish.

You're not sure if it's the tenderness of his gaze, or the fact that someone's actually treating you with empathy for a change, but either way, you find yourself blushing.

"I-It's alright," you say, glancing off to the side. Looking into those clear blue eyes of his is proving to be far too difficult a task right now. "I mean... it does hurt a bit, but I expected as much coming into this. I think I just need some more time to get used to it."

"No. I'm sure it can't be pleasant, so it's up to me to do it in a way that isn't quite so unbearable." He lightly taps you on the hand, beckoning you to look at him again. "I'd like to try one more time," he says. "With your permission, of course."

Fuck. Here you are, selling your blood-which is quite possibly the least romantic thing in the world-but all of a sudden, you've got butterflies in your stomach.

It's his fault for being so damn handsome. Or maybe you're just not thinking clearly from all the blood loss.

Yeah. That must be it.

"Go ahead," you reassure, adjusting your position and exposing your neck again. You take a deep breath, trying to relax, and you remind yourself that no matter how much it hurts, eventually, it will end.

Xavier's fangs pierce your skin again, but even though you wince, you feel as though it's slightly different from earlier. The way he's drinking your blood is slower, more deliberate. It still hurts, no question about it, but you can tell that he's now being conscious of how he does it.

Somehow, just the fact that he's making an effort to hurt you less helps you cope a lot better than before.


"Huh? A different vampire has personally requested me?"

You blink, holding your phone against your ear. Just moments ago, someone from Plasma Inc. called to inform you that you've got another client. The news comes as a surprise, especially since you're pretty sure Xavier is the only vampire you've ever met.

"Um... you guys don't happen to show the clients files of the people who've signed up for the program and rank their blood in terms of tastiness, right?"

It's a stupid question, if the sigh the employee lets out is anything to go off. You felt like asking it anyways, though.

"Of course not," they reply. "This is actually a very peculiar case. We normally match clients and donors randomly, but this particular client apparently caught a glimpse of you in the building. Certain vampires are more perceptive than others and can sense when someone has appetizing blood. He was adamant about meeting with you, but naturally, the choice is yours. Rest assured that we will never disclose any of your personal information to him, so you're welcome to refuse."

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