Chapter 24

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Zarak knew deep down that Airio hadn't stop seen the human. He just didn't want to believe it. But now, he had to confirm his suspicions. He concentrated his mind on Airio and then, materialized to the place where his friend was.

Shock could not describe what he felt when he saw the man he knew his whole life, lying down on the same bed as the human. His arms were around her in a protective way and his eyes closed but he knew his friend was awake. Sadness, disappointment, concern rolled out of him in waves to see his friend so lost to this woman. He looked at her. She was beside him and had one arm wrapped around Airio's waist.

Sensing his presence, Airio opened his eyes and looked at Zarak. A mixture of guilt and sorrow were written on his gaze.

"We really need to talk. Now." Zarak told him in a cold tone.

Airio gently disentangled himself from the sleeping human and kissed her forehead. He didn't want to leave Mel but he knew he had to follow Zarak to his world and somehow explain the situation. Why he chose to ignore the advices that his friend had given to him and why he was risking exposure to the people from his world.

Melody mumble something in her sleep but didn't wake up.

Giving one last glance at Melody, Airio crossed the portal.

Zarak was beside him in silence. They went to Airio's house and, in the moment he closed his door, his friend exploded.

"I told you to be far away from her Airio!! What the hell?? Are you stupid? Do you want to be punish for your acts? You know I will not be able to defend you!!" Desperation was clear in Zarak's tone.

"I tried to stop but I couldn't. She knew I existed and she felt safe with me. I love her!!" He said desperate.

Zarak never had heard Airio talk like that of someone. He was completely dumbfound to discover the extension of the feelings his friend felt for a simple human. He shook his head calling out for some clarity.

"Airio... You really have to stop seeing her. It's not good for both of you." Zarak had to put some sense into his friend's head. He knew he was doing the right thing.

"I cannot be far from her..." Airio's voice was one of someone broken.

That almost chatter Zarak's resolution, but he knew that this situation could turn worse.

"Come with me." Zarak comanded.

"Where?" Confusion laced Airio's question.

"I will show you something or rater, someone..."


His question was not answered. Instead, Zarak opened the portal and they crossed it without a single word.

They appeared in front of a collector's house that Airio didn't know.

"Who lives here?" He asked. Apprehension and confusion was all that dominated his being. Could Zarak betray him? No, he wouldn't believe that.

"A friend." Was all Zarak said before knocking on the door.

Some seconds passed before a female soul opened it to them. She was small with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was dead for some time since she had more color than the new souls.

"Hi Zarak. It's been a long time since we see each other. Come in." She said kindly.

"Hello Ema. You look beautiful as always. Is Caths home? Oh this is Airio, a friend of mine." Zarak said smiling.

Ema looked at Airio and frowned for some moments, the way people do when trying to solve a difficult puzzle. Not finding a reason for Zarak to be at her house with another collector, she decided to put the questions aside because she knew that, soon enough, she would have her answers.

"Nice to meet you Airio." She said shaking his hand.

"I will call Caths. Please take a seat. The living room is to your left, first door."

Zarak and Airio sat on the comfortable sofa and waited for the couple to appear.
Since he knew his friend wasn't going to give him answers, Airio remained quiet.

Some minutes later, a tall man joined them. He was a collector like them, with brown eyes and brown hair. He seemed to be older than them.

"So what is the meaning of your visit?" He asked.

"We are here because I need you to tell my friend your love story." Zarak said seriously.

The guy burst out laughing, thinking that his friend was joking. He stopped to see the seriousness in Zarak's expression.

"You are serious?" He asked looking then to Airio. Zarak just nodded his head.

Caths turned to Airio and began telling the best and worst of his romantic life with Ema.

"Well I met her when she was still a human. I followed her and after some time, we created a connection. She died and we are together now. That's basically it." He resumed.

Airio's mouth was open in shock.

"It's important that you tell us why and how she died." Zarak said firmly.

"Why?" Caths was not sure why Zarak was asking those questions.

"My friend here, is in the same situation you were."

Caths looked at Airio again but now with a somber look on his face.

"You have to be far away from her before is too late."

"Why?" Airio was afraid to know the reason but he needed to know.

"Well... When I continued seeing Ema, she felt frustrated because she couldn't be with me completely. She knew I existed and wanted to have a relationship. Of course we couldn't so she decided to end her life. One day, I was busy collecting souls and she took some pills. When I got there, she was already dead. I know that now we are together but I didn't wish for her life to end like that. I felt guilty and I still feel sometimes." He said, his voice almost a whisper.

Airio couldn't reply. Imagining Mel do the same was something he didn't want to see or think. Caths voice broke his concentration.

"Tell me one thing...did you have sex?"

Airio blushed lightly and that was enough answer to Caths. Zarak had never in his long life seen Airio blush like a child who was caught eating sweets before dinner.

"It's worse than I thought..." He muttered.

"Well yes but it was only one time and she will think of it as a dream...possibly..." Airio explained.

Caths eyes stayed lock on his.

"One advice. Stop now before it's too late for both of you. You will go insane for not being able to be with her, and she will feel that her life is lacking something important and crucial and with that, assume that it's not worth living."

Both friends returned to Airio's home in silence.

Airio had a heavy heart and a heavier conscience. What had he done?

"Eventually she will die, Airio. Even if it's three years of thirty years from now." Zarak said trying to console his best friend.

Airio lifted his head looking at him with one single tear escaping his eyes.

Zarak saw two thing in the black eyes of the collector.

One, he had realized the danger of the whole situation. Two, he was determined to not see the human again.

Closing up his emotions once more, Airo's face became the impassive one he use to have before he had known Melody. He could clear his face from emotions, but his heart continued to show them by hurting every time he thought of her.

"And eventually, I will be there to collect her soul..."

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