Chapter 3

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Theseus POV

I had just stepped out of the taxi and quickly made my way to Newt's house. As i walked, I bumped into two young witches and a muggle.

"Theseus!" Tina said, stepping back to give him space.

"Hello." I smiled. "Who are these two?" I asked, gesturing to a beautiful blonde and a rather beefy man with a kind face. I had seen them during the fight against Grindelwald.

"Oh, this is my sister Queenie and her boyfriend, Jacob," Tina introduced them.

"Hi! You're Newt's older brother, right?" Queenie smiled.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised. I'd only seen her when they fought Grindelwald, and never actually talked, especially...after Leta. I swallowed back hot tears threatening to flood out. I also assumed Newt didn't talk a lot about me anyways.

"I'm a Legilimens," Queenie told me, and her eyes flashed with sympathy. I assumed she was listening to my thoughts.

"Welp, there goes every scrap of my privacy," I sighed, forcing myself to sound cheerful. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. 

"Well, I do have a harder time with your kind. Brits. It's the accent," Queenie shrugged.

I stared at her for a few moments. Accents in a voice make it harder to read thoughts? I shrugged it off. "We should get going," I started.

"Yeah, we should," Jacob checked his watch.

We walked over to Newt's home, chattering amongst ourselves. Once we got to the front door, Queenie stepped forward and knocked.

Tina POV

Immediately, the door opened and standing there was a tall man with tousled caramel brown hair, soft blue green eyes, and a warm smile. Newt! I heard a soft giggle from Queenie, and my occulmency shields shot up into place. Nosy legilimens.

"Hello everyone!" Newt beamed.

"Hi Newt!" Queenie chirped with a smile.

"Nice to see you again!" Jacob grinned. "Also, I brought freshly made pastries! Then we can make some more, and maybe cookies, with a different shape, we could also try using egg and ham instead of jelly to make a breakfast version, and-"

"Jacob, honey, save that for inside," Queenie whispered.

Jacob coughed. "Right, um...sorry,"

Newt looked slightly amused. "Well, come in,"

We all piled into the small living room, abandoning our shoes at the front door.

"So...I made three more bedrooms. Is it okay if you and Queenie share one?" Newt asked me.

"Oh! Yes, it's fine. We used to sleep together as kids anyway," I nodded.

"Right. So, then you two can have the room over on the left. Theseus, you can have the second door on the right, Jacob the first door." Newt said.

We all left and dumped our luggage and came back to the living/dining area.

"How about I make some very late dinner? We can also share some pastries for dessert," Queenie suggested. It was 8pm, none of us had had time for food and were hungry.

"Sure," Newt said. "If you don't mind, of course," he added quickly.

"Of course I don't mind! I love to cook!" Queenie squealed, and vanished into the kitchen, Jacob whisking after her.

"Well...I guess Queenie's covered us for food," I shrugged. "So...what should we do while we wait?"

"Pickett's taken a liking for beating me in rock paper scissors. He says he the champion of all times. Do you want to try and beat him?" Newt asked us quietly.

Muggle RebellionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora