4) Slytherin Mornings and Secret Sortings

Start from the beginning

Scorpius paused, pointing outside. "Look over there,"

A lively group of Gryffindors were engaged in what looked like a dance challenge, while a younger student used a Mirrortok to record it, their movements enhanced by lights of different colours as they moved their wands with the music.

Nott nudged Zabini. "Why don't you show them your moves?"

Zabini rolled his eyes but with a hint of a smile. "In your dreams, Nott. I've got better things to do."

As they entered the Great Hall for the second time, Albus was immediately struck by the stark contrast from the night before. The vast hall, which had seemed almost mystical under the night's enchanted ceiling, was now awash with natural light. The grandeur of the space was undiminished, but the ambiance had shifted.

The enchanted ceiling now mirrored the clear, bright blue of the morning sky, casting the entire hall in a cheerful, vibrant light. Sunlight streamed in from the tall windows, bathing the four long house tables in its warmth, enhancing the colours of each house banner and making the silverware gleam.

Gone was the dim, candlelit mystery of his first night; in its place was a hall that buzzed with energy, alive with the sounds of morning chatter and laughter. The scents of breakfast were even more inviting in the daylight, drawing Albus in as he navigated through the busy tables.

His eyes quickly found Rose amidst the sea of students, her red hair a beacon under the sunlit brilliance of the hall.

"Hey, Potter, where you off to?" Zabini called out, but Albus hardly registered the call.

"Morning, Rose," Albus said, a nervous edge to his voice. The surrounding Ravenclaws paused, casting fleeting glances his way before returning to their breakfasts. Emmett Annesley gave Albus a wary look, but Albus just shrugged it off.

"Al! Hi!" Rose's face lit up, her enthusiasm a stark contrast to Albus's more subdued air. "Pop a squat! Just got my timetable from Flitwick. We're in Herbology with Longbottom. And Potions with Whiteland – they say he's half a vampire, can you believe—"

"Rose," Albus cut in. "I can't stick around; gotta head back. But listen, don't tell anyone, not even our families, about my Sorting. I want to keep it under wraps, maybe surprise them at the holidays."

Rose's eyes widened, and she whispered, "Okay, your secret's safe. I don't know how to tell them about my own sorting either... Now that I think of it, I might do the same. Mum'll suss it out, but Dad and Uncle Harry, not a chance."

"Right, right," Albus said quickly, eager not to miss breakfast. "And make sure James keeps it zipped too. Need to dash back for a bite and grab my timetable."

"Understood. See you in Herbology," Rose nodded.

"Catch up later? After lessons?" Albus proposed.

"Library sound good?" Rose responded, already standing up.

"Perfect. Later, Rose." Albus turned to leave just as Corvus Zabini slid into the seat next to Emmett, giving Rose a casual nod.

"Zabini," Albus acknowledged, still getting used to addressing both brothers by the same name.

"Potter," Corvus replied, waving hello at his twin brother in the Slytherin table.

Professor Whiteland suddenly appeared, his imposing figure and deep voice demanding attention. "Mr. Potter," he said, a stern note in his voice.

"Hello! Err... I mean good morning, Professor," Albus answered, a bit startled.

"You're supposed to be at the Slytherin table with your housemates," Whiteland advised, handing Albus his timetable. "Off you go."

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