ii. the bahrain grand prix

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i'll be down in 5



fuck off ??



CATO WAS SURE THAT when they were old enough to understand 'personal space', max hadn't quite grasped the idea. she enjoyed her time to herself, and she was fairly certain that her brother also enjoyed her personal space, too.

almost every race weekend was the same. the day of the first two free practices started with max deciding that the need to annoy his slightly older sister was a crucial part of their routine, before they headed off to the paddock ( in two different cars anyway, so cato couldn't understand why he felt the need to make her leave her hotel room ) to spend a bit of time each on the simulator to warm up their reaction times. the only times this didn't happen was when her now-ex would be at the race locations with her, or when max's girlfriend april and future step-daughter harper were with him.

but it was routine. routine that had been there since they were kids and they were all each other had. there was no hanging out with friends, and barely seeing their mother and sister after the divorce unless they travelled the distance when they weren't karting . . . which was rare. and even though that exact routine annoyed the shit out of cato, she never once turned max away from her door. never.

"yes," she drawled as she opened the front door just enough so that she could block him from coming in by standing between the frame and the door itself. "i'm up, max," she paused for a moment, eyebrows creasing, "i thought april and harps were here." she knew for a fact that they were because max, april and harper all went karting on tuesday before the race week truly begun.

"harps didn't sleep well last night," max shrugged, and it was then when cato noticed the slight tiredness in his eyes. "she woke us up at one am because of that nightmare again."

although frowning at the thought of the little four year old that she had pretty much adopted as her niece, cato couldn't help but crack an amused smile. harper, for the past few months, had been waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare about a monster living under the bed. quite cliche, but it all stemmed from a story she accidentally heard her uncle lando tell at halloween last year.

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄, carlos sainzWhere stories live. Discover now