You beat me this time

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This chapter will include Hualian!!! Can't have a tgcf fanfic without some Hualian, now can we ^v^


The day of ZhongQiu Jie had come. Well. It was more like the evening by now. The mortal world was brimming with excitement and activity. Children were running amongst the streets, laughing as they carried lanterns and candied hawthorn sticks. Lanterns and decorations were strung above the streets, and shops were busier than ever. Street performances could be seen in the main roads of the city, their dancing and music filling the lively atmosphere.

In the heavens, the gods had gathered for the yearly Mid-Autumn Festival Battle of the Lanterns. Tables and decorations were set up, and the gods were chatting with each other as the time neared. They sat at a large court, surrounding where the clouds parted so they could oversee the mortal world, ready for when the lanterns would drift up into the evening skies. Lavish red and gold lanterns were put up- luxurious food and wine were prepared on each table, and the tables were no less extravagant, with their gold-carved designs and bright red and black paint. Truly, a gathering worthy for gods.

And to every martial and civil god present at the event, they would've thought the event to be perfect... if not for a certain calamity's presence. 

Xie Lian was chatting idly with Feng Xin and Mu Qing, since the three had gotten closer ever since the defeat of the former emperor. Mu Qing wasn't as cold as he was before, and every once in a while he actually smiled. The two generals didn't fight as much now- (well, not as much if Xie Lian was there,) and they had come to a sort of truce recently. Though Xie Lian wondered if it could be more, with the glances they sneak at each other and the subtle touches.

The former scrap-collecting god was actually sitting at the head of all the tables surrounding the hole in the clouds. This seat was usually for the emperor, which the position had been offered to Xie Lian, but he refused. He refused the extravagant throne, refused the position, and didn't want to have that much power in his hands over others. By now he was far done from being royalty. But still others had insisted he take the head seat of the event, so that's where he currently was, with Mu Qing and Feng Xin beside him. Now, the heavens were ruled by a group of the strongest martial and civil gods, who made decisions by talking and compromising for the best option. Of course, the group consisted mostly of Xie Lian, Pei Ming, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, and Ling Wen. (With Hua Cheng helping Xie Lian out.)

Ah right. Back to the calamity's presence, unnerving almost all of the gods there. Hua Cheng was, of course, seated next to his husband. Behind his husband, more like, wrapping his arms around Xie Lian as he laid his chin on Xie Lian's shoulder, listening as he spoke. He wasn't really focused on what he was talking about, but merely listened to the sound of the god's voice. The white-clad god didn't mind though- he enjoyed his beloved's warmth. Feng Xin and Mu Qing tried their best to ignore the Ghost King, as they were used to the two's constant PDA (Public display of affection.)

Many other gods however, were alert, and uneasy at the sudden presence of Crimson Rain Sought Flower. Ling Wen had apparently invited him because of his contributions to defeating Jun Wu a year or two ago, (along with the fact that Xie Lian wouldn't have attended without him anyway,) so there was nothing they could do. His relationship with the strongest martial god in heaven was clear, and the ghost king's image and power lay clear in a lot of gods minds from back when he challenged those 33 gods, but he wasn't doing anything harmful as of now... yet...

Hua Cheng, having sensed all the eyes on him, opened his one eye to scan the crowd, his gaze neutral and flippant as his aura radiated a sense of "come closer and die." Xie Lian knew of the eyes on them, but paid them no mind. They weren't important, and he was used to rumors about him being spread. He let his conversation with the two generals fade into silence as he caught sight of the Thunder Master approach his podium from which he would announce the winners of the Battle of the Lanterns.

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