Jerome, Alfie, Liliana and Poppy were having lunch together in the gazebo. Their time together had been going quite well, but the older students knew that their little sister was struggling with something.

"Alright, out with it poops, what's bothering you?" demanded Jerome, flicking a grape in his little sister's direction.

"It's nothing gerbil," snapped the girl, trying to brush off their concern.

"Penelope," sighed Alfie in a warning tone.

"It's just Missy," gave in Poppy.

"Yeah, where has she been? I haven't seen her in a while" remarked Lili, suddenly realizing the absence of her little sister's other half.

"Mirabel says that she went home with her parents because her Aunt Renee died. But I know all of Missy's relatives and she doesn't have an Aunt Renee".

At the name the three older kids sat up straight, haunted looks on their faces. It seemed that Rufus was still making his presence known even beyond the grave. And there was only one person who would use that alias in order to kidnap a child, Vera.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

The Sibuna club gathered in the Living room that evening to recap.

"Well I can't believe I'm saying this, but Jerome and Amber were right" shared Fabian, holding up the translated message. "Each number corresponds to a number of the alphabet. I decoded it to read: "I guard your house from strangers outside, where the heart is".

"What the fuck does that mean?" asked Patricia.

"I don't know..." admitted Nina, "but at least it's in English now".

"Well what guards houses from strangers?" asked K.T.

"Doors?" suggested her girlfriend.

"Maybe" said Alfie.

"Where the heart is, is obviously home" said Eddie.

"So 'door home'?" parroted back Amber, confused as to where this is going.

"Well since it's a map, the home probably means house... so door house" suggested Liliana

"Who needs a whole house for a door?" asked Jerome.

"Wait a sec! We have a door house... the Gate House!!" exclaimed Nina.

"That's right! Which is also where we found that body... which was probably stolen too" supported Alfie.

"So the vault is somewhere in the Gate House?" asked Jerome.

"My money is on it being somewhere in the creepy room behind the organ" bet Amber.

"Hold up, you guys found a body!" shrieked K.T.

"Shhh, don't yell" scolded Nina. "I say we go tomorrow and try to find it. We have all the staff pieces and now we have a possible location"

The group all nodded in various states of agreement.

"What about Ms. Denby? It's her house" worried Joy, not wanting to get caught by the woman in her house.

"Don't worry about that" Eddie comforted his friend. "My dad has called for a Professional Development Day tomorrow. That's why we only have a half day of classes. Ms. Denby will be stuck at the school for the training".

"It's settled then. Tomorrow after classes let out we'll head over to the gatehouse and put an end to this once and for all" grinned Nina.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

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