Chapter Ten: The Final Piece

Start from the beginning

      "Mike! Stop it! Stop it!" he cried, his tears rushing out from his eyes.

      "You heard the man, he wants to give Fredbear a big 'ol kiss!"

      "No! Please stop! Michael!"

      Michael took his little brother in his arms, raising him towards the animatronic. It continued to sing, oblivious as to what was happening right in front of him. Right as he saw Evan in front of him, he laughed, as he so usually did during his performances.

      "Hey, dude... aren't you taking this a bit too far?"

      "Come on, don't bail out on me now! I'll just show him he doesn't have any reason to be afraid of the animatronics, it'll give him some backbone!"

      Mike's friends looked at each other, not knowing whether this was a good idea or not, but it was already too late. The teenager raised once more his little brother, preparing himself to throw him right inside of Fredbear's mouth.

      "One...! Two...! And Three...!"

      And with that, Michael shoved Evan's head inside his mouth. The world stopped for a second, as both his friends, the little girl in the ground, and even the crying child just waited, and nothing happened.

      "See? I told you! Those are just robots and nothing else, there's no way that..."


      Michael stopped feeling the body of his brother trembling, now it lay lifeless, hanging from the animatronic's mouth. Eventually, his body slid out of Fredbear's jaw, and fell to the ground, filling the main stage with blood, his head crushed in two, completely deformed.


     Just as Michael's eyes focused on his brother's head, people started to scream after seeing Fredbear's bloody mouth, the animatronic still moving around and singing his songs, as if nothing had ever happened.

      "Mike! What have you done!?"

      The teenager lowered himself towards the body of his brother, the tears still marked on his face. He moved him a little, getting his hands bloody in the process. He hadn't realised yet, but his shirt was filled with blood as well. The blood of his brother.

      "Someone call 911!"

      People started panicking, and all the employees and security guards arrived at the scene, finding Michael, his friends, and the body of Evan, still in the ground, filled with a pool of its own blood.

      "Evan... Please, say something! I... I didn't mean to... Please Evan!"

      And then, right as Michael lifted his head, he crossed eyes with his father, who was holding out the birthday cake of Evan, the number 10 already placed on top of it. As Mr. Afton saw his own son, dead, and the animatronic's mouth filled with blood, he let the cake fall to the floor too, and it crashed into a puddle of cream, dissolving itself into an unrecognisable, deformed shape that would no longer return to its normal form.

      "Is that...?"

      "Dad! Forgive me! I swear to God I didn't mean it! Please!"

      Michael threw himself at the shoes of his father, staining his working uniform with the blood of his own son. William Afton stood lifeless for a second, assimilating the scenario in front of him, completely ignoring the pleas from Michael, and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge smiled appeared on his face, his eyes not sharing the emotion at all.

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