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You parked your car into the buildings parking lot, honestly surprising that this place wasn't bulldozed yet. You stepped out of your car, walking around and getting a duffel bag with a few cute keychains that some of the kids at your kindergarten had gifted you (ha-ha.. Banban reference...) you then walked over to the building itself, carefully stepping over debris and making your way in front of the boarded double doors.

"Well, I guess this might get a bit more illegal now-" You let out a sigh as you prepared to throw away your status as a law-abiding citizen and pried the boards off the doors with a crowbar you had pulled out of the duffel bag. It took a bit of time since you weren't exactly built for manual labor but in the end, you got the job done. You put the crowbar away and opened the doors- which oddly were unlocked, as if someone had previously opened them already... Suspicious.

The inside of the building looked the same as it had looked all of those years ago. The paint on the walls was chipped, either from age or other factors and the posters looked relatively fine aside from the paper turning to an odd shade of yellow. As you walked over to the left corridor, there were more posters and a few chairs. What caught your attention was the door with a connected keypad, except it had colors instead of numbers.

".. Playtime co always had such odd passwords, 'for security' he'd say. Bullshit."
You rolled your eyes and looked for anything that could hint at what the code was, you ended up in the gift shop, after looking around for a bit longer you found the code.. On a toy train.
"This company is such a joke-"

With your new knowledge you walked back and put the code in, immediately you're greeted with a vhs player and a tape to go with, of course you play it because why wouldn't you?
After the tape plays
You had remembered some higher ups talking about the grabpacks, but you didn't think they would ever finish the project. You decided to put the grabpack on, it was heavy and clunky feeling on your back, really makes you wonder how they expected the workers to wear these daily.

You walked back into the front desk area and then you opened up the door to the lobby, it was all still the same, and shockingly clean. The most shocking thing was that he was still here, just standing there, still as a statue. You knew better than to even trust it's goofy smile, after what it did to your coworkers all those years back you just can't trust him or the other 'toys' that probably still lurked in these halls.

Your eyes narrowed at the large blue plush before grabbing the key and leaving into the electrical room, you already had experience with this kind of work, so you managed to finish it quickly. When you came out of the room, he was gone because of course he'd be gone. You went through the factory and completed a few more puzzles before you made your way to the Make-A-Friend room.

".. This place, it was so lively before. The children loved it here-" for a moment, you seemed a bit down, and you were. You missed the times where you acted as a tour guide for any visitors that would come in for tours, although you aren't too sad since you do enjoy your new job as a teacher.

The room was dusty, even after turning the machine on, this was the calm part. Putting in the toy parts and just watching as the machine did its work, even all these years later it was still such a magical process to watch. At the end of it you went over and collected the toy, which had been a small catbee- it's cute, so you'd love showing it to the kids later.. like a souvenir of sorts.

You walked over to the large gate, placing the toy into the scanner and then removing it, placing it into your bag. "Hm, maybe this trip hasn't been completely useless." after that comment you stepped into the darkness- just for your bag to be thrown off your body, the toy inside of it making an audible cracking sound as it collided with the floor.

There was just one word for how you felt, fear. It was fear. Of course, why would he just let you leave the factory now? You must've looked as terrible as you felt with the way the plush toy stopped and stared at you, slinking a long arm across your torso and lifting you up to stare at your face, it then let out possibly the worse sound you've ever heard, but it seemed happy? It wrapped both arms securely around your body, now encapsulating your entire body except for your head and a bit of your neck.

He rested his head against your neck for a moment, his breath slowing down and his permanently open eyes, appeared to open wider for that moment. His smile got wider, showing some of his sharp teeth as he walked away with you in his arms, up into a catwalk-like area that you definitely don't remember existing.

He placed you down on a soft bundle of blankets, the entire area just mainly consisted of his own merchandise, like toys, pillows, blankets and etc. Something that caught your eye was a small bulletin board that was propped up on a wall, there was a photo (a badly drawn one) that looked like Huggy and you under a wedding arch.

"Hm.. who was delusional enough to draw that-" the realization of it all hit you like a bag of bricks, it was only deepened when you noticed there were photos, of yourself on the board as well. Huggy seem overjoyed, with the way he was staring you down. He eventually kneeled behind you, holding you tightly like a lovers embrace.

If the red flags weren't ringing and blaring before they definitely were now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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