Chapter 7

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Bose Winder Tracy sat in the command center of Dangerforce, the top secret organization dedicated to protecting the world from dangerous threats. As he brainstormed with his team on their next mission, he couldn't help but feel a sense of duty and pride in his role as a member of Dangerforce.

But just as they were about to finalize their plans, Bose received an urgent call from his mother, Bernadette. She needed him back home immediately to help restart the international rescue organization that his family had founded years ago.

Reluctantly, Bose left his team and returned home to the Tracy Island, where he was greeted by his siblings, Virginia and Vigil Rose, along with his younger brothers, Tommy and Virgil Jr. They were all there to help their mother revitalize international rescue, which had been left forgotten after the flashback tragic events in Chapter 2.

Years ago, during a mission, the hood had attacked their base and killed Bose's father, Virgil, along with his uncles, John, Gordon, and Scott, and his grandfather Jeff. But now, with the Tracy siblings and their mother working together, they were determined to carry on their family's legacy and protect the world from any threats.

Bose, now an experienced pilot, took on the role of Thunderbird 3 pilot, while Bernadette stepped in as Thunderbird 2's pilot until they could repair Thunderbird 6 for their next mission. Despite their loss and the challenges they faced, the Tracy family worked together as a team, using their individual skills and strengths.

Their first mission was a rescue operation in New York State, where a massive fire threatened to destroy an entire city. With their quick thinking and expert piloting, the Tracy family successfully saved countless lives and prevented the city from crumbling under the flames.

As they returned to Tracy Island, Bernadette looked out at her family and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and love for her children. They were a true team, united by their determination to continue their father's legacy and protect the world from danger. And with each successful mission, their bond only grew stronger, making them unstoppable as the new international rescue team.
End of chapter 7

What if Henry hart is Virgil Tracy ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें