Past Memories: Ryder (1)

Start from the beginning

His name was Nairobi. One of the best Mages in our village. He was the one who inspired me to become a Mage. Training under him was hard and tough. But he was always like that with me. Trying to show me how the world is right now. And he wants me to be strong.

Dewmount Fountain Evening Day

I remember one time. Before the incident, I was going through a breakthrough of my training. Nairobi was about to teach me his high class magic skills.

"Alright lil bro. Let's put your training to the test." He said to me as he had his arms crossed and ready to see me train.

"Alright Nair, Let me show Power!" I said with enthusiasm and focus my mana into my hands and a spark began to emert from the palm of my hand and I would put more focus into it to make a small flame at the start. Nairobi was impressed with how quickly I was adapting to my magic training. The flame in my hand was growing and growing as it was gonna be huge and I would hit one of the dummy targets we made from the old tree in our backyard. But something happened and an explosion was set off from my fire. I couldn't remember much of it because I was knocked out....but according to Nairobi, the blast radius was 6 feet long from where I was standing. He was shocked, but not as shocked as my parents.

Two weeks later

About two weeks has passed since that explosion I created on accident. My mother was keeping track of my mage training instead of Nairobi. It was confusing and strange at first because mother would never have time for me or my brother but after that accident, she seemed more focused on my training. Nairobi on the other hand was either helping father or away with his friends. I didn't quite get it. He would usually have time for me. So why now does he become distant?

"Hey mom?" I asked her and she looked at me with sweet care.
"Why are you helping me with my magic training? You usually don't have time because you and father were always working." I said and she went to me and knelt down to my level.
"Oh sweety, I know this sudden change is uncalled for and maybe strange...but I need to verify something with your training." She said to me and I became more confused.
"Verify something? Verify what?" I asked getting a little impatient.
"With that.... explosion that happened two weeks may show signs of a rare disease." She said which scared the crap out of me. I had a disease and never knew about it!? And what makes it worse, I might have spreaded it all around the other people in our village.
"Yes. But it's not like a sickness or illness that you can pass on to other people." She said to me reassuring that I wasn't infecting everyone.

"So....what is this disease then?" I asked as I was now curious.
"Well... It's for those who are thriving to become magic users anc they do all these things to help make their bodies adapt to the change. They call it Mana Exhaustion." She said to me.
"Mana Exhaustion?" I said as I look at her.
"This happens for those who are learning magic for the first time or those who over use their body trying to force the magic out." She explained to me. I began to think that I probably have Mana Exhaustion. Ever since I've took up my brother's training and lessons, I have been non stop with my training. So perhaps i did indeed have it.
" is there a cure?" I asked which which she said there was and it was at the herbal store. I had the idea to go get it the next day.

Later that Evening

After a day of being watched by my mother with my training, I took the rest of the afternoon off and decided to take a stroll. But as I was heading home, I could hear argument from my brother and my parents.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! JUST BECAUSE OF THAT INCIDENT YOU THINK I HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THAT?" That sounded like my brother, Nairobi and it sounded like he was being blamed for what happened to me. Or was it?
"Nairobi, this isn't like before where you can let this go." Our father said to him before mother spoke.
"The caves aren't stable and we trusted you with making sure it was sealed." She said to him.
"You can't be I'm not allowed to go on any missions for the rest of this month because of some stupid cave?" Nairobi said before the next thing that happened changed the scenery. A harsh yet brutal slap was heard across the room. That was from our mother who slapped his face so hard there was a slight hand print on his cheek. I shook in terror as I didn't know what was gonna happen. Nor did I want to stay for a while to know what was gonna happen. They continued to talk for hours after that and well...the rest was inaudible since I was asleep.

One month later

I had finally heard from the people of the Herbal store and they had the medicine I needed to cure my Mana Exhaustion. I appreciated their help and they appreciate my patience and I began to walk home. It was getting dark soon and I had to hurry and get home. Hopefully with this medicine, I could break the good news to everyone and perhaps all can be well. That was what I thought until I smelled fire and burning houses. And it was coming from the direction of my home village. I had ran as fast as I could while I could see the heavy smoke. I panicked and ran even faster until I say the horror.

 I panicked and ran even faster until I say the horror

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Dewmount was on fire. It couldn't have been an accident. Someone had set this up. Panic ran through my mind and I made quick way for my house. Only to individual carrying my mother's body, choking her by the throat.

an individual carrying my mother's body, choking her by the throat

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"Oh good...the little mage is back from his shopping...a perfect timing for him to witness the punishment of his mother." The man said to me and to my mother. I did what I could, not caring if I had Mana Exhaustion or not. I had to save her. I began to fire weak basic energy attacks at him but when they touched him, they were ineffective and did nothing to him. I then began to create a hand out of the stones and grab a hold of his body but he and mother vanished and soon reappeared on a higher cliff.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? WHO ARE YOU!?" I shouted and the man looked down at me with a sadistic smirk on his face.
"Me? I'm just a mage like you.. but for can call me...the Masked Singer." He said to me and I didn't know what to think.
"As for why I'm doing this, well....why not? It's fun to see everyone get killed. And this little village was a great place to start." He said which made me mad and I began to create a Fire Spell to burn him but again it proved to be nothing. The Masked Singer then took his hand and pierced my mother through her chest. Puncturing her lung. I screamed as I watched him do this to her and called out for my father and brother. But the next thing he said made me shiver in fear and anger.

" mean that knight and weakling of a brother? They're gone. I killed the lot of these people. They were gonna interfere with my plans." He said nonchalantly and my mind was clouded with hurting him. I charged at him only to get kicked in the gut and had my head slammed to the stone paved path. I stayed there...wondering what the hell was going on? Was all my training really worth nothing? He would then grab me by the neck and slam me to the wall of one of the burning buildings. Whispering something to my ear.

"You're too call yourself a mage and you couldn't hurt me. And you want to know something?... You never will." He said before throwing me to the building even more and watch the debris collapse on top of me, causing a huge explosion. The Masked Singer watched all this happened before I blacked out...

The next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital...they patched me up...and said I was the only have survived the fire from Dewmount.



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