Part 3

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Time skip: 1 week, Monday

The girls planned to make it seem like Mina got hurt and see how Koa would react.

They carefully orchestrated the scenario, with Mina pretending to trip and fall in front of Mr. Koa during lunch. As she let out a dramatic gasp and clutched her ankle, all eyes were on him to see how he would respond.

At that moment, Kai reacted before thinking and went straight to Mina, kneeling beside her to check if she was okay. The concern was evident as she gently helped Mina up, causing the other girls to exchange knowing glances.

Kai takes Mina to the nurse's office, supporting her weight as they walk together. The genuine care and concern in Kai's actions did not go unnoticed by Mina or the other students watching nearby. When they got there, Kai sat Mina down on the bed and began to check her ankle for any signs of injury, asking her if she was in pain. Mina looked up at Kai with gratitude in her eyes, touched by his kindness and attentiveness.

"I'm fine.. just wanted to see your reaction," Mina said with a mischievous smile, causing Kai's face to drop. Kai let out a sigh of relief, realizing Mina was just teasing him.

"Mina, why would you do that?"

"Koa, we've been spending more time together and you're so good to me...-I-I just can't help but fall for you even more." Kai felt her heart skip a beat at Mina's confession, unsure of how to respond.

"Mina, you know you shouldn't," Kai said softly.

Mina reached out and gently lifted Kai's chin, meeting her gaze with a tender smile. "But I can't help it, Koa," Mina replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "My feelings for you are too strong to ignore. I've also noticed your actions; I can tell you've started to like me too," Mina says.

When Mina said that Kai realized she was, she was falling for the 17-year-old student. Kai's heart raced as she processed Mina's words. She couldn't deny the truth in them, and a part of her was grateful that Mina had noticed her growing affection. However, Kai also felt a pang of fear and uncertainty about the potential consequences of pursuing a romantic relationship.

"Whatever you're worried about, don't think about it for just this moment, can you just honestly tell me how you feel?" Mina's gentle voice brought Kai a sense of calm amidst her swirling emotions.

"Can I? Even though I barely understand my feelings, I think...I think I might be falling for you too," Kai admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Kai felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she finally acknowledged her feelings out loud.

Step by step, Mina finally got close to Kai and helped her face gently wipe away the tears that had started to fall. "It's okay; having feelings for someone is not the wrong thing," Mina whispered, her touch bringing comfort to Kai in a way she had never experienced before.

Kai held Mina's hand against her cheeks and just closed her eyes, feeling the warmth and tenderness of Mina's touch enveloping her. At that moment, Kai let go of all her worries.

Seeing this action, Mina felt happy and went in to hug Kai. Mina held her tightly, knowing that her feelings were reciprocated. Kai embraced Mina back, feeling a sense of comfort and warmth from Mina, maybe that's why she couldn't help but fall for her. The connection between them felt undeniable as if they were meant to find solace in each other's presence.

While just enjoying Mina's embrace, Kai couldn't help but question, "Would she still like me if she knows I'm not Koa? Would she still like me if she knew I was a girl?...would she be mad? These thoughts lingered in Kai's mind, causing a hint of uncertainty to cloud her happiness. Despite the doubts, she couldn't deny the genuine connection she felt with Mina at that moment.

After the moment passed, Kai pulled Mina out of her embrace and looked into her eyes. "Mina, you are a student, and I'm a teacher; we can't—"

Mina cuts her off. "Koa, I just want to be with you. It's okay if we keep our relationship a secret, I don't want you to get in trouble either." Kai's heart swelled with relief at Mina's understanding and acceptance. The weight of uncertainty lifted as she realized they could navigate their relationship together, despite the obstacles.

"There's no talking sense in you, is there?" Kai said with a smile, pulling Mina back into her embrace. The two of them stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, knowing that they would find a way to make it work.

Mina looks up and says, "Nope." Kai couldn't help but smile even more, seeing how cute Mina was.

Time skip: 1 week

Mina and Koa have started to find their rhythm as a couple. They started distancing themselves in school so that it'd be less obvious to the students and teachers. Kai has asked Mina to stop calling her "Koa" and instead add the "Mr." to be more formal, and she'd call her by her last name "Ms. Myoi." They would only meet up after school in the library after school at their usual spot.

Mina found it amusing how formal Kai wanted to be, but she agreed to his request. The new dynamic added an element of mystery and excitement to their relationship.

"Can we go on a date this weekend?" Mina asks suddenly during their time after school in the library. Kai's eyes widened in surprise. "I'd like that, but what if people from school see us?"

Mina chuckled. "Who cares? Let's just enjoy ourselves." Kai looks at Mina with a serious expression, causing Mina to sigh, "Fine, we can either hang out where there are not many people" or we can go somewhere out of town for more privacy." Kai nodded in agreement, appreciating Mina's understanding of her concerns.

Kai goes home that day and tries to figure out what kind of date they can go on that would be both private and enjoyable. She decides to research nearby towns for potential date ideas that would offer them the privacy they desire.

The light bulb goes off in Kai's head as she comes up with the idea of going out of time to pick strawberries at a farm, combining privacy with a fun and unique experience. She excitedly texts Mina with the idea, eager to see her reaction.

Mina, a third generation rich heiress, was caught off guard by it but was thrilled with Kai's idea and immediately agreed to the strawberry picking date. The two eagerly anticipate their upcoming adventure together.

After receiving a "yes" from Mina, the next problem arrived for Kai. "What am I going to wear? Will she find out I'm a girl?" Kai picks out a comfortable yet stylish outfit for the strawberry picking date, opting for a cute and casual outfit that reflects her personal style and laying it out for the next day.

The same thing was happening at Mina's mansion, as she was also struggling with what to wear for the date. She finally settled on a simple yet elegant sundress that made her feel confident and beautiful. The excitement continued to build as both Kai and Mina prepared for their first official outing together.

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