2: Same Friend, But A Fresh Start

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James was sat down at a table now, and his drinks were given to him all of five minutes before, and he was just admiring the message that Will had gave out, which was just straightforward: [I'm coming round, if you can send the location that'd be mint, cheers]

James looked at it for a few moments, before swivelling his position on the metal chair and looking up to see the sign of the place with the name in a suitable font, and would then begin to compose a message back to his friend, [It's on Sydney Street, it's called Pelicano Coffee Co. It's near to Aimsey Pole and you can't miss it. Plus I've got a coffee waiting for you, so get your ass round quick, it'll go cold.]

James sent that while sipping on his cold coffee drink, really feeling that espresso shot shoot right through his still partly asleep body, waking his nerves. "That's a good drink, man that hits the spot." Again, James was a huge fan of raw caffeinated drinks, as he held the said cold one in hand and sipped on the straw contentedly.

Eventually after around ten more minutes of him scrolling Twitter, and sipping on his iced coffee, he looked over at the latte in a to go cup also and swore some of the warm steam seemed to evaporate out cooling down the other drink, meant to be for Will whenever he decided to show himself at this place. But then, a noise could be heard and a heavy panting that zipped around the corner showed someone clearly out of breath and definitely had been running to find where they were going, and on instinct looked up.

It didn't click at first, as the other guy also caught James' stare and glared back, but then it was clear when he spoke, "Thank god, I'm in the right place.." Then he turned fully to look James head on, continuing, "Hey mate!" It was Will, as you could hear the relief in his voice overcoming the breathlessness, as James beamed.

"Will my man! Glad to see you, didn't think you'd actually make it in time but.." James sighs, mumbling, "guess you have finally shown face."

Will nods, smiling still. "Yeah, ya know what? Brighton is a lovely place.. heaps better than London. It's so fresh and clean it seems, so much sea air, but so much sky." He would sigh happily as he took a seat allocated beside James, and wrapped a hand on the cup holder of his drink, as it was still warm to touch surprisingly. "Wait, is this my drink Jim? Just wanna make sure in case you bought another pal along too with us."

"No, that drink is for you. I was going to buy one just for me but.. thought about you and it made me go back to make up for it. After all, we are catching up like mates." He'd wrap his arm around Will, pulling him towards his own side, grinning and watching as Will's cheeks glowed with warmth. "I appreciate the gesture massively." Will would soon be unlatching himself from James' friendly grip, and would attend to his latte, and began drinking the coffee, humming at the taste in slight comfort.

"Anything for a friend, you know I got you covered."

"And I have your back any day James. Definitely mutual." Will confirmed, looking at James who seemed pleased himself, even looking more alive via his pupils lighting up. "I can tell when you're happy too, that's all I wanna do. Make my mate happy when we film or hang around."

"Well with filming later you and I will definitely be happy together." James adds, tilting his head and lightly sipping on his coffee through the straw again, and without looking directly, he still felt Will's jokey eye roll go through him.

"And hear your shitty puns and jokes- yeah, I'd rather kill myself mate." Will's response was clearly dark, yet his tone seemed to mimic the dark humour as well, not rubbing off as insulting to the other, while he took another sip of his drink, while James stayed silent almost like he'd never heard Will's remark.

And a few moments of dead silence later, James seemed to of altered his attention over to his friend again.

"Oh, I did wanna say something. In regard to that money? Y'know the, erm, oh yeah, checks you sometimes give out to me, for music?" He then would say, moving his drink away from his view and letting the straw away from his lips.

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