Ch 32 Where can she go ?

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"Maybe she went to mom and dad's house? Should I call mom and ask about her whereabout?"

He takes out his phone and even dials her number but before it could connect he cuts the call. As he thought instead of making a phone call, he should directly visit his parents' house. As despite thorough searching, there was no sign of Hiya in house.

Upon reaching his parents's home, his parents were delighted to have his surprise visit. But seeing him alone with a tensed face as his eyes scan the surrounds they sense the lingering tension and frown lightly. They ask Ahil, Why he came alone that even suddenly and how is Hiya?

Their response indicated that Hiya had not visited them either, intensifying the mystery surrounding her disappearance.

He smiles and meets them nicely as he shrugs their question away not wanting to make them worry telling about the missing Hiya and leaves from there in few minutes.

Surekha's night had been marked by a brutal beating, leaving her in such a battered state that she remained bedridden throughout the day. She was groaning with the muscles when abruptly, she sensed an unwelcome presence at her doorstep banging the doors hard.

She instructs her 5-year-old son with a deep frown said, "Hey Gungun, go and open the gate... Don't know who has been dying while banging on the door for so long." Following his mother's directive, the young boy went to open the gate.
A tall and imposing figure, saying ‘Hiya-Hiya’, forcefully barged inside the house, shouting in agitation. Despite a systematic search of every room, Hiya remained elusive to his eyes making fume more. His relentless pursuit led him to Surekha– Hiya's sister-in-law's room.

At the moment the man entered, Surekha's eyes widened in fear. This individual man was the reason they had sold their previous house and relocated. And now after six months of persistent pursuit, he had finally tracked her down, bringing an unsettling end to their efforts to escape his reach. Blood ran out of her face while amusement and fear crept over her nerves as her eyes widen and lips quivered.

Surekha, her voice trembling with fear and resolve, confronted Utkarsh, "Y...Yo... You...! What are you doing here? Hiya-Viya doesn't live here anymore. She left this house forever after marrying you, so what do you want now? Do you think Hiya can come here? It's better for you to leave our home."

Despite the underlying fear, Surekha managed to veil her pain, not letting it show in front of the man who had caused her so much torment.

Unconvinced and fueled by suspicion, Utkarsh forcefully grabbed Surekha's throat and yelled at her, "I know you've hidden my Hiya somewhere. Return her back to me.."

Concerned about the escalating situation, Surekha's son, Gungun, quickly sought help from the neighbors, who promptly rushed to her aid. The neighborhood residents, witnessing the distressing scene, were determined to intervene and defuse the tension. As Utkarsh continued to tighten his grip choking her to dead, the commotion attracted the attention of some people from the neighborhood

Those people had managed to rescue Surekha from Utkarsh's grip after a great difficulty as he was adamant not to leave her. His obsession to find Hiya was so intense that he seemed unafraid of causing harm, even death, to anyone who stood in his way. He wanted his Hiya back at any cost and this cunning lady was being a road blocker for him.

Seething Utkarsh threatened Surekha, vowing to return and search for Hiya once again as he leaves due to the neighbours pondering upon him. Meanwhile, Ahil, in his quest to find Hiya, had reached her brother and sister-in-law's house. As he entered, his gaze fell upon Utkarsh, who was shouting, "I will come back again."

Ahil, annoyed by Utkarsh's presence, said, "Are all of them crazy in this house? Because of you, I had to come to this small street to find you Hiya. Where are you?"

It was the first time Ahil had come directly to Hiya's sister-in-law's house, focusing solely on finding Hiya. Outside, he encountered Gungun, who joyfully ran towards him and hugged him. Happily lifting Gungun in his arms, Ahil, with love, asked him the straight direct question, "Has your Hiya Bua come here, Gungun?”

"N-No uncle, Hiya Bua hasn't come here but recently an unc…," Gungun started to say before Surekha, coming from behind, interrupted with a smile, "Oh, Ahil , you? Why are you standing outside? Come inside."

"No thanks! I have some work... Just passing by and thought of stopping by your house," saying this, Ahil, putting down Gungun, decided it was best to leave from there.

As Ahil stepped outside, Surekha, with a firm tone, warned her son, "Your tongue is getting too loose... If you tell anyone about today's events, especially Ahil Uncle, or say anything about Hiya, your Bua will come back to this doorstep tomorrow, and we'll have to endure more trouble."

Gungun nodded in understanding, realizing the seriousness of his mother's words.

Meanwhile, Ahil who was coming outside their house slows down his pace, as he heard Surekha scolding Gungun, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

Walking on the street, he thought to himself, "What are these people hiding from me? About Hiya, whom I'll plan to let go tomorrow if I get to know that secret? What could be so significant? Is Hiya not the right choice for me?"

Surekha's words triggered negative thoughts about Hiya's character in Ahil's mind. He wanted to know the truth and found himself getting angrier as he drove on the road, contemplating the complexities of the situation.


Ahil stormed into the mansion, his frustration evident. Abruptly, his gaze caught Hiya gracefully descending the stairs. She wore a black saree, letting her long hair cascade freely. A black bindi adorned her forehead, accompanied by a subtle touch of sindoor and dark brown lipstick, highlighting her radiant beauty. Despite her captivating appearance, Ahil, consumed by anger, failed to appreciate her allure.

Confronted with the sight of Ahil, memories of Suraksha's words rushed back, causing Hiya's eyes to blaze with rage. She clenched her fists, displaying the intensity of her emotions.

In response to Ahil's arrival, Hiya approached with genuine joy, wearing a warm smile. She reassured him, saying, "Oh Ahil, you're here. Wait a moment; I'll fetch some water for you."

Hiya, managing her saree with a smile, swiftly moved towards the kitchen. On the other hand, seeing her intensified the smoldering embers of hatred within Ahil. His impulse was to push Hiya out of the house right away, but he was mindful of his own reputation, so he couldn't act hastily.

As Hiya returned with a glass of water, he, in his anger, didn't grab it from her hand. Instead, he lifted it forcefully and threw it onto the floor with full strength, shattering the glass into countless pieces.

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