Chapter 2

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Tyson's POV~






I said in my head as I defended myself as I practiced.



"Tyson!" I heard my trainer yell. I turned my attention to him and then was punched in the gut.

"Got distracted. Gives your target a better chance of hitting or getting you." The Trainer yelled. I was holding my gut. "Right." I said and finally put my hands up ready.

The whistle blew and I started throwing punches.







After about 20 rounds of that, I was ready for the obstacle course. I walked over to the starting line. I took a few deep breaths and took off at the sound of the horn.

After the obstacle course, I was out of breath. Completely out of breath.

"Good job Tyson. Go take a 5 minute break then to the fighting trainer." He instructed then walked over to Ally, my best friend and a close friend of Sammy.

I looked over to see Marleigh, my best friend who wants to help find Sammy, with the fighting trainer. After catching my breath, I jogged over to the secretary, Mrs. Darris. "Hey Mrs. Darris! Did you see me?" I asked.

"Yes I did. You did awesome! You deserve this break." She said with a wink. "Look at Marleigh go. Dang, she's got fast punches." Mrs. Darris added. "Mine are faster." I teased.

"Lets see it." She challenged me. I heard the front door open and looked over to see 5 guys walk through. Pretty good looking if I do say. "Are you going to go?" Mrs. Darris asked. "Yeah. You ready?" I asked and noticed that all the guys were staring at me.

I ignored it and continued. I threw a few punches for warm up then threw the fastest punch I could.

"Dang." I heard faintly from the one of the guys. I looked over to see them in awe.

I let out a small laugh then turned to Mrs. Darris. "Eh. I don't know. I think Marleigh has you beat." She messed around. "Whatever!" I sassed. She just laughed as I turned around with a whip of the hair and walked away.

"Tyson! Fighting square. Now." One of my trainers commanded. "Yes sir." I said as I rushed over the the fighting square. "Your opponent will be, Marcus!" He said. "Marcus! Fighting square." He yelled. "Coming sir." I heard him said from the shooting range.

"Looky who it is." He said with a game face. "This is so unfair!" I complained.

Marcus has been in this place for 5 more months than me. "Stop complaining and get ready." The trainer snapped. "Get ready, pretty girl." Marcus said. "Always am." I snapped.

Zayn's POV~

"I don't want to go." I complained. Simon is making us come to this military training place for teens and it looks creepy.

"Come on. These people might be people who serve in war later." Harry mentioned. "Yeah! We might see some girls kick ass!" Louis yelled, as we laughed. "You would want to see that." Liam mumbled.

"Well lets go then." I said. We all piled out of the car and walked over to the front door. Liam opened the door and held it for us to walk through.

"Are you going to go?" The lady at the desk asked. "Yeah. You ready?" The blonde said.

Wow, she's a beauty! But why is se here, in this place?

The lads and I just stared. The blonde looked at us then away and threw a few punches.

"Dang." I said. How can she punch that fast?

She let out a small laugh then turned to the secretary. "Eh. I don't know. I think Marleigh has you beat." She messed around. "Whatever!" The blonde sassed. She just laughed as she turned around with a whip of the hair and walked away.

"Tyson! Fighting square. Now." Someone yelled. "Yes sir." She yelled back and rushed over to what must be the fighting square.

Tyson. I love the name. Fits perfectly. "Hello! I'm Mrs. Darris. Are you One Direction?" Mrs. Darris asked. "Yes." Liam said.

"Ok. You can walk around and look at all of stuff, and if you help, you can ask one of the trainees for help." Mrs. Darris said with a warm smile.

"Thanks ma'am." Liam said as we started walking around, examining all of the different sections. "Look at that girl in the shooting range." Harry pointed out.


Holy crap! Right in the middle? Ok, these people are good. "Nice job, Marleigh. Go get a drink. 5 minutes, got it?" Some guy said. "Yes sir!" She yelled. "Marleigh, eh? Pretty cute name if I do say." Harry said.

Marleigh ran to the bench and sat down. We walked over and sat next to her. "Hi, I'm Harry. That was a really good shot." Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"Erm, thanks?" Marleigh said. Her eyes focused on the fighting square. I looked over and saw Tyson pinning down a guy.

"She's good." Marleigh said. "She can shoot, fight and run. One time, she and my brother got in a fight and she pinned him down until he gave up." Marleigh said with a laugh.

I have to meet this girl.

I have to.


Hey! Ok so give me some feedback or like vote and fan and whatever. Thanks for reading and stuff!!


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