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At Jeon mansion:-

( Jk press the break and come out of the car and went towards yn's side and open the car door  take her in his arms making her heart beat fast and Riya also come out of the car and Said)

Riya:- oppa why are you lifting unnie.

Jk:- because she is sick .

Riya:- ok and take care of my unnie.

Jk:- ok mam.

Riya:-* giggles* hehe and  wow 😲 so big house.

Jk:- yes let's go.

( With this three went towards mansion and come in living room and see all members sitting there including her parents also so scaredly look down tight her grip on jungkook and jungkook can sense that she is scared so he asked in whispering)

Jk:-* whisper* what happened ? Are you scared of something.

Yn:- * shake head while looking down* n-o.

( After saying this her tears fall and she is scared that what if her parents again hurt her so she is scared )

Jk/m:- oh my baby you came and yn baby how are you ? Are you alright?* Worriedly*

Yn:-* nodded* i- m f-i-n-e.

Mrs. Lee:-* fake smile* oh my daughter I hope you are okay and jungkook now you can put her down  she is looking alright and she is not a child to be carried.

Jk:-* cold* how can you say like that to your daughter she gets admitted in hospital and now she isn't completely fine and you are saying that she is alright.

Mr.lee:-* smile awkwardly* haha son she is meant by she isn't that weak that she can't even take three bullets.

( Listening his words jk / eyes gets wide and say)

Jk/m:-* shockingly* what are you saying mr.lee ? What do you mean by that ? That she can't even take three  bullets ?

Jk:-* cold but deadly voice* I'm warning you first and last time that if you say bad anything about my wife. Then I won't hesitate to kill you both .

( Mr &Mrs Lee gulp their lump and look towards Riya and said )

Mrs.lee:- eww 🤢 who is that little dirty girl.

Jk:-* coldly* Mrs Lee mind your words .

Mrs.lee:- but what wrong did I said see her dress is ugly and have so many bruises .

Yn:-* hesitately said* m-o-m w-hy a-re y-ou say-in-g b-a-d wo-rd-s t-o h-e-r s-he i-s in-no-ce-nt .

( Mr & Mrs Lee widened their eyes because she never talk back to them now just in 1 day she is talking back to them they clench their jaw and look towards her eyes she immediately looks down feeling scared and jk observed everything how she gets scared when her parents look towards her and stutter everything )

Jk:-*cold* mom I'm going towards my room and Riya come let's go.

(With this he left while taking yn and Riya both after they left Mrs. Jeon turn towards them and said )

Jk/m:- now you can go.

( Being embarrassed they both left quickly to their house meanwhile in jungkook's room)

(Jk made her laid down her bed and went to take a shower and Riya came and sit beside yn and say)

Riya:-* teary eyes* unnie whatever that aunty say is true? I'm I ugly .

Yn:-* sit down on bed carefully* n-o ba-by wh-y a-re y-ou th-in-ki-ng li-ke th-at .

Riya :-* sobbing* but aunty said I'm dirty.

Yn:-* immediately hug her* n-o n-o ba-by y-o-u a-re n-ot di-rt-y o-k y-ou a-re pu-re .

Riya:- really.

Yn:-* broke hug* y-e-s re-al-ly.

Riya:- thank you unnie for saving me.

Yn:-* smiles* n-o n-ee-d t-o th-an-k m-e.

Riya:-* yawn* unnie I'm sleepy.

Yn:- o-k co-me he-re * point at her lap*

( Riya put her head on her lap and yn started caressing her hair lovingly and after sometime Riya sleep that's when jungkook come out of the bathroom and see that Riya is sleeping on yn lap peacefully and yn is caressing her hair lovingly)

Jk:- didn't you slept yet.

( She flinched with sudden voice and turn around and see jungkook wearing his night suit ready to sleep )

Yn:- I do-nt fe-el li-ke sl-ee-pi-ng .

Jk:- ok now try to sleep staying late at night is not good for health * yn nodded*

( Jk take pillow  going to sleep on sofa but yn say)

Yn:- y-ou c-an sl-ee-p he-re it's y-o-ur r-o-o-m.

Jk:- but riya is sleeping beside you so it will be uncomfortable.

Yn:-n-o n-o y-ou c-an sl-ee-p he-re.

Jk:-* chuckles* ok

(With this he slept at left side and yn at right and in middle Riya  both hug her in sleep looking like a perfect family )

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