19) Bossy

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Hello lovely people and welcome back. I've been gone for a while. ( if you're new here you can skip this message)

Actually I've been gone for over 4 months... and I'm sorry about that. I can give a million reasons, but I won't bore you with that. To everyone reading this, thank you for reading my story and being patient with me. I can't say enough times how much everyone reading this story means to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my work, and thank you for coming back after my absence. I'm back now, and I'm not leaving again for a while. So I'm gonna post more from now on.

I'm gonna give a quick summary of where we are in the story, because you might've forgotten a few things, and you probably don't wanna read it all again...

So: Elena moved to Spain where she's fake dating Pablo Gavi. He has a crazy ex and he hopes that having a new girlfriend will make her stay away from him. Elena was homeless and Pablo gave her a house in exchange for Elena to be his fake girlfriend. They set up a bunch of rules, one of the rules is that Pablo can kiss Elena only three times...

With all of this, Elena started at a university where she already made a new friend. But since she started her studies, she's been getting these threatening notes...
Now she's on a trip with the whole Barca team, because it's their coach's birthday. Elena and Pablo are obviously sharing a room, while still faking their relationship.

Enjoyy the new chapter guys <3 (please voooote)

Pablo smiles. 'Don't worry mi amore, l'll make our three kisses memorable. You're gonna wish you had more.' he says and then he turns around and walks away back into the room.

I remain speechless. I hate when he gets the last say and I turn around. 'We'll see, my standards are pretty high!' I yell back and Pablo stops in the doorway.
He turns around slowly and smiles. 'Is that a bet?'

I roll my eyes but can't suppress my smile.
'If you want to.'
Pablo smiles and then turns around and walks back into the room.

Everyone spends the rest of the afternoon kind of doing their own things. The guys are working out pretty much the whole afternoon (yes there's a fucking gym in this villa). And I have no idea what the girls have been up to. Mikky and I have been exploring the entire villa.

Of course, Mikky found the wine cellar in less than a minute and we also discovered a sauna in the house. It's so big that I'm afraid I'll get lost in it. After lots of walking through the house with Mikky, people finally decide to get out of their rooms. Xavi gathers everyone for a big hike around the area. 

'Hiking? Are you for real?' Mikky says whining. Frenkie puts his arm around her and smiles. 'Come on! It'll be fun to see the nature.' he says. I love the relationship between Mikky and Frenkie. Mikky is chaotic, adventurous and a child in some ways. Frenkie on the other hand is very calm, serene and mature. They balance each other perfectly. 'Fine, but I'm taking snacks.' she says and walks off to the kitchen. 'I'm gonna lay down for a while, I'm not feeling so well.' Sira says. Pablo puts his arm around me. 'We're joining.' he says. I try not to look disappointed but I kinda looked forward to a nap...

Another couple whom I haven't spoken a lot to yet, also joins. Then everyone goes to their rooms again to get changed. Pablo grabs my hand and leads me to the room. As soon as the door closes he lets go of my hand. 

'Let's do a little show during the walk, to make everything a bit more believable.' Pablo says. I nod. 'Sure, what do you have in mind?' I ask. 
'I don't know. We just have to seem romantic.' that's vague. We have to seem romantic? That's not a very planned idea. 'Okay... so what do you want me to do?' I ask. Pablo shrugs. 'Romantic?' he says again. 'Do you even know how to be romantic?' I ask. Pablo sighs and rolls his eyes. 'Why do you always think I'm dumb?' he asks. Well, I can think of a few reasons...

Smile for the picture | Pablo GaviHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin