"I will teach you how to ride a motorcycle."

Start from the beginning

I stared back at him for a while. Even though we never spoke or shared a word with each other, Hakkai was such a good, calm kid. I wished the best for him and God.... I'd definitely miss him, too. There was something nice and relaxing about his silent presence.

I gave him a soft, warm smile and slowly waved at him, as if telling him my temporary goodbye.

He stared at me, blinking once softly. Only half of his face was visible to me, the upper side of his face only.

Very slowly and hesitantly, he waved back at me.


"Wow, it's so impressive...." I awed at the sight of the airplanes I could see through the windows of the building of the airport. It was the first time I would travel by an airplane, let alone be this close to one.

"I know, right?" Yuri asked, placing a hand on my shoulder and he looked at me, raising his ticket to me. "I got the window seat, but you can take my seat if you don't want the aisle seat."

I heard a sniff and felt a pair of arms hug around my arm. I looked next to me and saw Emma, her hair let down and her face frowned, her lower lip quivering a bit. "I'll miss you...." Emma whispered, she really didn't want me to leave. I hugged her back and Shinichiro rubbed Emma's back. "There there Emma, it's okay..." He said in an attempt to comfort his younger sister.

Shinichiro quickly turned his back on us and grabbed a tissue from his pockets and blew his nose extremely loudly, before sniffing and turning back to us, giving Emma a soft closed eye smile. "You don't need to cry, we'll see Y/n again."

It was finally the big day today.

My dads and my brother were going to accompany me on the travel for at least one week. Like I had mentioned before, there was a nice couple -that apparently had a big house and spoke at least three languages- who had agreed to let me stay with them for these four years, and they even agreed to take my family as guests for the following week. They told me that they did not want this situation to be too tough and scary for me, so they wanted to help me get more accustomed to my new environment with my family being with me for a while. It was sad they would not be staying for longer, but the man and the woman accepting me in their house could not house three more people for more than a week. They were already doing a lot for my sake.

Either way, I was very happy my family would be coming along for a while. I really did not want to say my goodbyes to them already. I was not ready to go anywhere by myself yet.

And of course, our close family friends were kind enough to come to the airport with us to see me before the departure. By 'close family friends' I meant the three Sano siblings -excluding Izana because, well despite being Shini's 'brother' he still never followed along with the family anywhere except him- and Baji with his mom, miss Ryoko.

"Mom, I want to go with them, too!" Baji said to his mom and pointed at the airplanes through the massive windows of the airport, clenching his other fist. She glared at her son and lightly smacked him with her purse. "Find the money to pay for the tickets yourself!" She said, before she sighed and ignored her annoyed son who was rubbing his head, turning her attention to me.

"We'll miss you, sweetie," Ryoko said, speaking kindly and nicely to me, nothing like how she talks to Baji.

I had been to Baji's house multiple times before and Ryoko quickly took a liking to me for some reason. Sometimes, Baji was so annoyed when his mother would speak to me so much and 'bother' us. She had a habit of thanking me for 'keeping Keisuke under control' and being a 'good influence on him' or something, so I could guess that was a reason why she liked me so much. She raised her finger upwards, as if to gain my attention, looking at me with her big brown eyes. She was literally the female version of Baji, with her eye color and her hair quality and color bring the same as his.

The Apple Of Their Eye (-Yan-TokyoRevengers X FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now