The restaurant was not at all what Matt had expected. As he stood outside the unassuming façade located in one of the city’s less traveled neighborhoods, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“Oh well, maybe the food’s still good.” Matt thought as he pushed the large, creaky door open.

Shockingly, the inside was a full 180 from the outer face. The entire interior was decorated in rich, dark wood and fine leather. The entire place smelled of incredibly decadent dishes. If he hadn’t been so taken with the smell, he might have noticed that, strangely the entire dining room was empty. Entering deeper into the space, Matt saw the man from the profile sitting casually at a table. He was dressed sharply in a close-fitting black dress shirt adorned with a red skinny tie. The man smiled and motioned for Matt to join across from him.

“Well, you must be Matt, nice to meet you,” the man said as he extended his hand across the table. Matt reached out his arm and gave the hand a firm shake. He saw how the man eyed his muscular outstretched arm. This was why he always wore a tank top, no matter how fancy the restaurant would be. Even places with strict dress codes could generally be persuaded to let the Adonis in.

“I hope you’re hungry. The chef has prepared quite a sampling of dishes that we hope to serve once we open.”

“You’re…not…open?” Matt asked, feigning interest.

“Oh no, I only recently set up shop here and we’ve finally gotten everything in top working order. I thought it might be fun if we used you as a sort of…guinea pig…to see if the food is really as good as we want,” with that, the man rose from his seat and ventured to the kitchen, returning with a large tray containing miniature version of a number of dishes. Steak, chicken, shrimp, fish, various vegetables, and even a few desserts filled the table. Matt wasted no time in grabbing the small steak and digging in. As he lifted the first bite to his mouth, just the scent wafting off of the meat was enough to send chills down his spine. The taste as it hit his mouth was pure ecstasy on par with nothing else that he had ever tried! He savored it as he chewed and eventually swallowed, immediately needing another bite as the first one was gone. Matt began to move from plate to plate as he finished each one, flavors dancing across his tongue the whole time.

If he had any attention to pay to anything other than ingesting every bit of food before him, he might have noticed that instead of the usual bland chatter from across the table, this man just sat there, the faintest hint of a smile on his face, as he watched Matt eat. The man did not speak again until Matt was finishing indulging in a particularly luscious crème brule’. 

“You know what, I was actually wondering if…No…that’s silly…” he started.

“Hmmm, did you say something?” Matt said, honestly not sure if the stranger had spoken or not.

“Well, I was thinking, that maybe we could use a model for advertisements for this place. I actually used to work in the fashion industry, and let me tell you, none of the models I worked with before looked even half as good as you do. I don’t have a lot of free funds right now, but I could always pay you in food.”

Matt’s ears perked up at this offer. He considered the idea as he polished off the dessert. Here was a chance for him to not only secure his meals for the near future, but also to grace the world with his godly presence!

“I suppose I could do that,” Matt said coyly, desperately trying not to sound too eager.

“Great! If you don’t mind coming back tomorrow, then, we’ll have a photo shoot!” Just then, a phone rang somewhere in the distance.

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