Chapter 9: An Unexpected Ally

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All characters belong to Gege Akutami

The atmosphere surrounded him is thin as he is in full focus back at the classroom where he last spoke to Yuji. Satoru empties his mind and activates his six eyes to the fullest extent in order to track down where Yuji's cursed energy had gone. His icy eyes glow brighter than usual as he sees a blue path only visible to him that will lead him to the man he needs most. Satoru is quite used to using this ability as he had done is any times before while stalking Yuji if he lost track of him. If he wanted to, he could catch up to wherever he is in an instant, but he strolls leisurely in locating him, using the free time to come up with what he can say to win him back.

I've been following this path for damn near an hour, I always forget how fast Yuji is. But still, where could he be going? It doesn't help that a lot of it he's been going in circles...

As he walks to the outskirts of the city, he gets a familiar feeling of the area. He spots a cafe.

This... this is where he first found out.

The path leads to the forest.

No way, why would he go back there!? That was like... my most embarrassing moment ever.

Satoru enters the forest and sure enough, he spots Yuji lying by the dead tree where he first hid behind him. His eyes soften. Yuji looks so sad, so heartbroken. It pains Satoru to know he is the reason behind this anguish. But for some reason, his cursed energy feels different. Much different. He steps closer.

"Yuji? Yuji, can I talk to you?"

The closer he gets the more he notices something strange. Slicked back hair, tattoos, and those slits under his lower lids are now open, revealing two tiny eyes. Could it be?

Red irises tinker over to Satoru as a malevolent grin creeps along with it.

"So, you've finally arrived, Sorcerer." A deep raspy voice exits Yuji's mouth.

Satoru's eyes narrow and he gets into a defensive position. He knows all too well he is not speaking to Yuji right now. This is the man who has him locked up in his own flesh, the reason for his inevitable execution. Ryomen Sukuna. His aura is menacing, merciless, and above all pure evil.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? Let me speak with my Yuji!" Satoru demands.

"Your Yuji? Let us be real for a second, this brat's body belongs to me, understand? After your little outburst, he asked me to switch out and bring him somewhere far so his soul could rest. So, I brought him back here where he could remember one of his most terrifying moments! How weak and pathetic, right~?  That's what the twink gets for thinking I was going to play nice about it." Sukuna rolls his eyes at him and leans his head back without a care in the world.

A vein pops on Satoru's forehead. "What did you say!? How dare you talk about him like that! You think he's an idiot? You think he's just weak and pathetic and he deserves all of this? WELL, THAT'S NOT TRUE! My Yuji is a wonderful person, and he deserves the world! It's only a scum curse like you who can see him that way. You deserve to be irradicated off this planet for more reasons than one."

"Ugh, give me a break with all your lovey-dovey shit! As much as I hate to say it, the kid has grown on me. The truth is, he brough himself out here to bite the fucking dust on himself. I forcibly switched out on him, mainly because if he dies, I die too. And I'm not going through that again." Sukuna scoffs and stands up, wiping the dirt off of his pants.

Satoru stays completely silent for a few seconds after hearing what he said.

Yuji was... he was going to do what?

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