Chapter {3}.

Mulai dari awal

While crossing the restroom, I heard some girls talking about something. Though, it isn't really my business to care about what they are talking about, but I chose to put my ear in the Conversation, anyway.

-"Did you see CC Walker, omg she's so fine..."

-"Yep, gotta agree with ya, gurl"

-"For real, like so fucking hot".

-"I can even let her kick me like she kicks the soccer ball"

I smirked at the words, and thought of informing this to CC, after she's finished training.


I went out of the class, and then made my way to library to have some quiet time, but that's when I was caught up with CC, herself.

-"Heya Caramel Nerd".

-"I thought it was Caramel Woman?"

-"Yeah, I like Nerd better".

-"Sure, whatever you say...Carbon Copy".

I offered her a side-way smirk, while she raised her eyebrow. 

-"Carbon Copy? Really, woman?"


She was blabbering about how she hated the name, when suddenly a Girl bumped into CC and turns out this girl really has good reflexes. The blondie caught the girl from touching the ground harshly. 

-"Woah there, watch out..."

They were for some reason looking at each other, while I stood there, neutral.


CC helped her with the books and then she left, giving CC one last thank you.

-"She seemed nice, Don't you think?"

-"Yeah, so nice...maybe you might even want to fuck her up".

I immediately regretted my words, that also arose CC's eyebrow and she clearly looked like she was taken aback by that. 

-"My apologies, I didn't mean to say such inappropriate words..."

 But to my surprise she laughed out and spoke smirking.

-"Maybe, I mean...She viewed pretty hot to me"

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (CAIROCC) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang