The Fire

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Alyssa's Pov:

I woke up to people talking. I sat up and saw Dally. "Dal?" I asked. "Morning sleeping beauty." he said. I noticed a bruise on his chest. I guess Johnny noticed too because he asked, "What happened there?"

"I happened." I turned to see Nat. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. After a few seconds she pulled away an angry look on her face.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she asked, raising her voice but not quite yelling, "Get caught up in a murder, running away, turning up missing, without telling me." I saw tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath and hugged me tightly, holding me close. "I thought I'd lost you." she whispered.

We pulled away and Dal asked, "Y'all want to get something to eat? I'm starving." Johnny scoffed, "You're hungry try eating ballone for 4 days." I laughed a bit.

After a while we all got in Dal's car, that he stole from Buck, and drove to Dairy Queen to get some food. Nat, and Dal were going on about everything that happened while we were gone. I wasn't paying much attention until I heard Johnny say, "We're going back and turning ourselves in."

I couldn't believe what he said. He'd be trown in jail. "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right." Nat said. "I have a good chance of being let off easy. It was in self defense, you just said. Pony, Cherry, and Alyssa can testify to that." he said. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Dal asked.

"Yeah I'm sure! It ain't fair for Soda and Darry worrying about Ponyboy all the time. And I bet Allie's worried sick about Alyssa." Johnny said, "I guess my folks ain't worried 'bout me or nothin'." "Hey the boys are worried about you." Nat said, "Y'know two-bit was gonna go to Texas to hunt you down."

"I asked if my folks asked about me-" "No they didn't ask about you! So what!" Dal yelled, "You think my old man gives a hang if I'm dead in a car reck or drunk in jail or something? He doesn't care! But that doesn't bother me none."

I felt bad for Johnny. I knew his parents didn't care about him and he did too, but he still loved them. Dal mubbled something but I couldn't quite hear it. Then he pulled out of the parking lot and back to the church.

Natalia's Pov:

The whole way back Dal was lecturing Johnny about hiw jail can mess you up, but I wasn't paying my attention. As we got closer to the church I smelled smoke. I looked around and saw the church was in flames. They was a class there, they must be on a field trip.

"Guys look!" I said. "Wonder how that started." Pony said. "Jesus christ." Dal said, driving closer. I immediately got out and ran over to the class. I heard a woman yelling at a man. "Some of the children are missing!" she yelled.

I turned to face the church when I heard screams from it. I looked at the others before racing to the burning building. "Nat! Nat don't! Get back here!" I heard Alyssa screaming, but I didn't listen. Johnny and Pony suddenly appeared behind me.

We made it inside, my eyes stinging from the smoke, and I started sweating because of the heat from the flames. "In here!" Johnny yelled.

We found the kids and handed them to Dal, who was at them window. I heard crying from the back corner. I looked over and saw a little girl in the corner crying. I ran over to her and handed her to Johnny. Johnny handed her to Pony, to give to Dal.

We were about to get out when a part of the roof almost hit Johnny. "Johnny watch out!" I yelled pushing him out the way. This result in him getting out the way but my foot getting caught in a hole in the floor.

"Nat get out!" Dal yelled. "My foots stuck!" I yelled. Things started to become a blur, I couldn't see straight anymore. "Alyssa get out!" I heard Pony yell. "We have to get her!" Alyssa yelled back. I look at her and gave her a sad smile before shoving her over to Dal who pulled her out.

I looked up and saw the roof was about to collapse. So I did the best think I could think over. I used all my weight to throw myself through the floor. "Please work!" I said to myself. "Nat get out!" Pony yelled.

Everything was a blur but I kept trying to break through the floor. I tried once more, this time I felt myself hit the grass.

A/N: What's gonna happen? Did Nat survive? Keep reading to find out. Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but I couldn't resist. I actually really like this, like a lot. So yeah. Stay Gold! Love y'all!

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