Picking him up as I fly up to one of the branches and places him on top. Us both looking up... before catching something on the screen. It was a chubby man with... I couldn't lie was the most fabulous mustache I have ever seen, blue glasses and a red suit...strange...where have I...seen him before? Why am I getting deja vu all of a sudden, I've never seen this man in my life.

"Eggman! So that clown got sent here too!" Sonic hisses his name...wait... Eggman?! That's Eggman??!! He's human?! Why am I more disappointed that he's human and not an actual egg? Shame, I was actually looking forward to seeing a evil villain who was an egg.

I snap out of my thoughts when I look once more to see Chris and Tail's on the tornado as a robot was attacking them. "Chris! Tails! We need to help them, Sonic." I tell him, placing him back down on the ground. "Time for us to join the party!" He winks at me holding my hand tightly and drags me along with him so we were at the same speed.

We were going in a face speeding pace. Not fast enough according to Sonic. "If we want to be a part of the action we better pick up the pace. Think you can also help with the boost?" He looks back at me as I nod. Taking out a wrench from my pocket and adjusting the gears on my boots making the rockets at the bottom much more adjustable and wider. Giving me enough boost power making us go even faster, mostly thanks to Sonic's super speed but a little bit of help with a bit of some mechanical boost.

We were almost in the city before we knew it! Hang on Tail's and Chris. We're coming for you!

We we're approaching in the city. "Let's split up! He'll never see me coming but he knows you! You help with your friends and I'll get him from behind!" I say to him. He looks at me for a second. "Alright! But be careful! Eggman is more dangerous than you think!" He tells me making me laugh. "You got it Sonic!" I winked before zooming off to the opposite side.


(~No ones POV~)

Chris looks down from the Tornado as he smiles. Seeing Sonic from down below. "It's okay! Help is on the way!" He yells out in happiness making Eggman turn his head in confusion.

Sonic running closer to them. Tails pulling down the Tornado as Chris hand his a ring. Sonic quickly grabbing it as he clenches it tight. Making it glow brightly in his hand. He began to spin dash up the building making Eggman growls in furiousness. "There he is! Get ready to fire!" Eggman calls out to his robot making it throw Amy so it can shoot.

Amy screaming out as she was about to hit the ground. (Y/N) jumps up and grabs her. "Gotcha! You okay?" She asked her jumping back down. Placing her next to Knuckles to stares at her in disbelief...who was this girl?!

(Y/N) turns around to look at them. As she closes her eyes and smile while holding up the peace sign. Before turning back over to see Eggman yelling at his bots to try and shoot Sonic. "I had just about enough of this Egghead." She flies back up and flies over to him.



He stops before looking over at the girl calling his name. She jumps down in front of him standing nearly a few inches from him as she kneels in front of him on one knee. "Gotta say love the high tech design. But not a huge fan of using it for evil though." Her glasses drop off her face... making Eggman's eyes widen.

"You're eyes..." He said softly making her tilt her head confused. Oh crap- her glasses came off. She really needs to get goggles next time. "Parties over, your scrambled!" (Y/N) yelled out as she slams down a type of micro chip onto his egg like flying device. It began to make the thing glitch and go haywire.

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