Chapter Two

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"Indescribably grand.." Harry mumbled to himself.
Draco walked up behind him and hugged him.
"Are you okay, Har?"
"I'm fine, dear"
"Are you sure?"
Draco didn't look as though he believed him, and Harry began to notice. He pulled Draco's hand and sat them down on the couch in the muggle music shop they were in.
"Har, what is going on? Why won't you tell me the lyrics?"
"What if they're not the same song, Dray? What if we can't be together?"
"We can be together, Harry. Our songs don't matter."
"But they do! Everyone, and I mean everyone will judge us if we don't have the same song!"
"Harry, they judged us when we were friends in fifth year. Why should this be any different?"
"It just is!"
"And what about those people who didn't act on their songs? Do you really want to be like them?"
"My godfathers didn't act on their songs.."
"Sirius and Professor Lupin?"
"Yeah.. Sirius told me about a week before he died that it was his biggest regret. Not acting on it because they'd be judged..."
"And people already know 'bout us."
"Yeah.. I guess so."
"You look indescribably good, irrevocably grand, with you by my side is where I wanna stand.

It's unequivocally great to be out here this late with you on my arm, oh God, you've got charm,"
Harry sang slowly.

"You kiss me slow but without hesitation,
You threw me straight into Inarticulation. "
Draco sang back, undeniably and visibly happy that Harry had finally told him.

Slytherin HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora